cages part 14(edited)

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"I have to go to the ladies room, ill be right back." Bailey smiled.

"Okay. Did you want to order food or something?" Brian questioned as Bailey quickly removed her hand and got up from the table, sending him back a step. His heart sank as he watched the beautiful smile that she had placed on her face since the moment that she laid eyes on him in the coffee shop start to fade away. And her eyes stoped gleaming, she nolonger looked at him longingly, or with admiration in her eyes, but with fear,

"No. Im not hungry, but thanks." Bailey smerked nervously as she began to walk away. Brian watched in aw and confusion as he watched Bailey walk away. He placed his hand upon his cheek as he watched a happy couple sitting at the table across from him laughing and holding hands. He lowered his head, trying as hard as he could not to fall asleep, his eyes quickly shutting and closing. "Kill her." He heard a quick whisper in the distance, a cold breath on his neck. The whisper began to echoe and it seemed as if it were coming from every direction.

Suddenly the couple at the table began to bicker, the man stood up in a fit of rage and began to clinch his fist as he walked toward her, making Brian jump out of his chair as he watched the two in fear. Brians father was an abusive alcoholic and Brian had witnessed his abuse frequently as a child, and when he did, this is usually how the violence would start.
Suddenly the man stretched his hand out and his fingers became knives, just like the man from his nightmares. "Stop it! Get away from her!" He shouted as he stormed toward the two. The man turned at him and grinned, suddenly all of the walls in the coffee house became mirrors.
All of the lights flickering until the room became very dim. He stared at his reflection in horror and confusion. Staring at a four year old version of himself, he could hear laughter in the distance. The man reached out his long knife like fingers and cut the woman across the face, making her scream in terror as she hit the ground, holding her face as it began to bleed uncontrolably. "Stop!!!!" Brian screamed, his eyes swelling up with tears as the man kicked her to the ground in delight. The woman looking up at him in absolute horror.
"What are you gonna do about it,
The man laughed as he got on his kneese beside the woman and laughed as he began to stab her in the stomach rereatedly as she layed on the floor, curled up in a ball, covering her bleeding face as she cowared in fear. Screaming blood curdling screams. The blood splattering and covering brians entire body with blood he looked down at his bloody hands in shock.

"Hey, are you okay?" He heard someone beside him ask with concern, turning toward the voice quickly he opened his eyes, the man stood before him, looking at him with worry. Brian looked down at his trembling hands and felt a since of relief realising that the blood had been gone, his eyes wide with shock as he looked around the room. Everyone watching him, some with confusion and concern. Some whispering and laughing to one another. Then he saw Bailey standing across the room, her eyes glued to him. Watching him with fear and disbelief.

He couldnt speak. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked at her. She took a deep breath as she looked into his eyes, looking for some kind of anwser. he looked sad and hopeless, he had this terrified look on his face that she had only seen him make in the nightmares.
"I have to go. I have to get out of here.."
Brian looked around the room franticly and ran out of the exit door as quickly as he could. Almost as if he were running away from someone...

Baileys stomach turned in knots as she watched him run down the crowded city streets, passers by stoping and watching him in curiousity. Thats when she remembered the last dream that she had with him in it, when he urged her to run away, he said almost the exact same thing. She walked out of the coffee shop, her mouth agape as she stood outside and lit another ciggarette, her hands trembling. Her heart racing.

♡A Nightmare On Elm street(fanfiction)♡(editing!)Where stories live. Discover now