just a ghost, someone that i used to know.(edited)

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Damion stood in the bathroom of the gas station by the train tracks where he and savanna met everyday. His phone in his pocket, ringing off of the hook. He picked up the phone and looked at the cracked screen in annoyance.
"10 missed calls from mom"
He rolled his eyes and turned the phone off, placing it back in his pocket.
He looked at his reflection and felt as if a stranger had been staring back at him. He took a bottle of pills out of his black backpack and took 2 of them. Took a deep breath, taking the bottle of whiskey that he stole from his mother and taking a long swig from it.
He put the bottle and the pills back into the bag and zipped it closed, leaning over the sink and then looking back at himself once more, he glared at his own reflection, he looked at himself with anger in his dark brown eyes, as if he weren't staring at himself, but staring into the eyes of an enemy. He tried his best to get himself together, taking a deep breath once more. His heart starting to race, he headed out of the bathroom and stood a behind a little girl and her mother who had been standing in the checkout line,
The little girl looked back at damion her eyes now glued to him, looking up at him curiously, both of them dressed in very expensive clothing, the woman standing at the counter very impatiently, a brown micheal khors bag slung across her shoulder. They were obviously from another part of town.
"Whats your name?"
The little girl asked, tilting her head.
"Whats my name?" He laughed.
"Its damion... whats your name?" He smiled.
"My name is katie." She replied,
Holding up three fingers "im this many."
"Youre that many???, wow thats pretty old."
Damion joked, with a fake look of shock and disbelief. The little girl then laughing.
The mother looked back at Damion as she handed the cashier her credit card, lowering her designer sunglasses,
She took one look at him and his dark clothes, his messy dark hair, his dialated eyes, and the dark bags underneath them and looked at him as if he were nothing more than a parasite. She could smell the whiskey on his breath as she watched him place his hand over his chest, his heart beating so rapidly that he began to have palpatations. Damion faked a smile and looked away, his head starting to twitch from the pills as the woman stared him down viciously.
"Dont talk to strangers hunny..."
She rolled her eyes and looked away, taking her daughters hand as the cashier handed the credit card back.
"Why is he twitching mommy?"
The little girl asked quietly as she turned toward her mother with a look of worry,
"Only god knows hunny. We dont associate with people like that. This isnt a good neighborhood, dont talk to people here"
The woman rolled her eyes once more as she snatched the bags from the cashier with a sigh and she and her daughter walked out of the door. Then walking into a big black shiny bmw.

Damion stared at the woman in anger as she sped away, the cashier looking at him with an eyeroll. "You okay buddy?" He asked, not as if he cared, but as if he were mocking him.
Damion eyes narrowed and he clinched his fist,
"Yeah, im fucking fine, 'buddy', can i get a pack of marlboro blacks please?"
Damion hissed.
"Red or green?"
The man asked in annoyance. "....red..." Damion raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a fucking problem or something dude?" Damion scoffed.

"No i do not have a 'fucking problem', you have the fucking problem, everytime i see you in my store youre high buddy...," the cashier scoffed as he rung up the pack of cigarettes "i can smell the alcohol on you.. i am not from this country, i am not from this neighborhood, but i do know what goes on around here, and i dont like it..." the man sneered.

Damions heart sank, suddenly he became overwhelmed with rage.
"Dont judge me like you fucking know me man..." Damions voice trembled as he handed him his card and the man looked at him and rolled his eyes very tiredly.
"Im not like all of the junkies and low life prostitutes that you see come in here everyday." Damion continued.
"Yeah yeah, sure." The man rolled his eyes once again. "Have a nice day." He smile sarcastically.
Damion took the pack of cigarettes
And clinched both fists, gritting his teeth. It took everything that he had inside of him not to hit the man behind the counter. He turned away very quickly and began to walk away, knocking a rack of sunglasses down and kicking it across the floor as he headed toward the exit door. "FUCK YOU!!!!!!"
he shouted, then slambing the door behind him.
The man behind the counter watching him walk away in a state of complete shock, his mouth agape.

Damion pulled the bottle of whiskey out of his backpack as he walked down a very steep and grassy hill that led to the train tracks, then taking another large swig from the bottle as he walked down them, and then another. Suddenly he heard the train coming, he stood on the tracks and watched it as it sped toward him. Taking yet another swig from the bottle. The train whistle blowing loudly in his ears, the tracks shaking. He closed his eyes very tightly. Thats when he heard savanna screaming his name. "Damion!
Damion stop it!"savanna ran toward him desperately.
Damion looked back at her hopelessly and slowly stepped off of the tracks.

"What the fuck were you doing?"
She rushed toward him,

"I dont know..."
Damion looked down at the white gravel on the ground in a drunken stupor. He looked up at her with shame, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I dont have anywhere to go...." he cried.
Savanna had never seen Damion cry,
He always seemed so strong, and invincible. He was always so fearless, and eventhough she knew that his home life had been a mess, he never let her know just how much it bothered him. He was Always laughing and joking or doing something stupid to make her laugh. Always hiding the pain unserneath. Savannas eyes swelled up with tears as she looked up at damion and gently whiped the tears from his cheek, "what do you mean?
Your mom kicked you out?" She asked in confusion, trying to hold back the tears, but it had been far too painful to see him that way.
"Im going to be homeless,bumming for change on the streets, like all of these piece of shit fucking junkies around here, im nothing savanna! Just leave me here." He cried,
"Just leave me here to die." He looked her in the eyes hopelessly.
"Because im already dead.... ive become something ugly..."
He began to stumble as the train sped past the two of them.
Savanna grabbed ahold of him tightly and he cried into her chest as she watched the train speed by. She couldnt help but think about how long it was, and how fast it was, and how Damions body could have bern shredded into pieces if she had gotten there a minute laighter. Her long curly hair blowing in the cold gust of wind that the train created.
Savanna rested her chin on his shoulder as she rubbed his back, the train finaly passing them.
he let go of her embrace and stared down at the gravel once again.
Savanna cried and bit her lip,
Her voice trembling, her eyes red from the crying, "Youre not dead.....
You're not ugly.... you're amazing, youre the most passionate and smart and caring and brave and charming and funny, and charismatic person that i have ever met...
Youre the most beautiful person that i have ever met....
And i believe in you."
Savanna tried to reasure him,
Damion shook his head in denial and scoffed.
"Yeah well.... you shouldnt..., im a waste."
He replied.
"I love you damion!, and i cant live without you, if you die... ill die too!" savanna cried.
"I just wish that you could see yourself the way that i do..." She burst into tears
And Damion looked up and wrapped his arms around her very tightly.
"I love you too...."
He replied, then kissing her tear stained cheek. "Im sorry."

♡A Nightmare On Elm street(fanfiction)♡(editing!)Where stories live. Discover now