Kalebs P.O.V

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My tired eyes widen as I lean in and listen to a conversation that bailey barns and Brian miller are having as I sit in a very uncomfortable chair next to the door in the principles main office. He types on his computer and looks up at me suspiciously, shaking his head and raising his eyebrow. He looks at me like a parasite, and right now I kind of feel like one. My heart drops and my stomach turns, am I really hearing what I think I'm hearing? Is this all an illusion and am I losing my mind? Am I trapped inside some sort of fucked up purgatory hell? I can't be dreaming, I'm way too tired and drained to be dreaming.
They are discussing their nightmares and how they have somehow collided.
And I nearly jump out of my seat when I suddenly hear Brian utter the words
"Pictures like these?"

Then I do jump out of my seat, and I try to peek my head out of the door way  but the principle jumps out of his seat as well. "Sit down Mr.Anderson!"
He shouts,
"Or i will call the police."
He lowers his voice.
"Im very tired of having to deal with you. This is the third time this week..."
I eagerly try to continue to listen in to Bailey and Brians conversation but I can't hear them over his babbling.
"This is a school... You're here to learn & to better yourself... You're not here to party... You're not here to fight... You are not here to 'hook up'... You're not here to cause anarchy and spray obscenities all over the building, cut class and smoke cigarettes... You're here to learn... You're 18 years old and you're flunking out of school, because you want to play games.. Please just sit down kaleb."
He sits down, and he is very distraught. there is a look of sadness and frustration hung upon his face, that makes me gulp and takes me back a step. And so I sit down as well, but I sit very nervously. And I feel kind of like a rabid animal trapped inside of a cage right now that he is hopelessly trying to domesticate. And there is a lump in my throat, as I nervously look him in the eye, and the look that he gives me, rattles me to my very core. Its easy to just shake it off when you're being lectured, when you're being told that you're a piece of shit and that you're never going to amount to anything if you don't just try. When you're treated like you're just a waste and a bother to the whole entire world. And this is how this man usually treats me. But now he looks at me like he cares, like he's searching for something that he once saw inside of me that is lost and searching for the words to bring that something back but he just can't seem to find them. And when someone looks at you like that, It is very hard to shake off.

"I'm sorry..."
I manage to utter these two words as my vision becomes distorted and the lights begin to flicker on and off very quickly. The principle nods sadly and then looks around in confusion.
And suddenly it is not him sitting before me but it is Freddy with his vicious smile, his arms folded across his chest,
"do you have any idea where you're going in life kaleb?" He laughs,
And I jump out of my seat once again,
My eyes wide with fear as I smack myself frantically and nervously blink, only to be standing in front of the principle once more, and he looks at me with fear and confusion as the lights continue to flicker

"Kaleb, are you on drugs?" He asks me in worry.

"No.., I'm, I'm sorry," I shake my head in confusion and I run as fast as I can. The lights flicker through the empty hallways as I run and I can hear Freddy laughing maniacally as I run out of the school entrance door and thats when I see Brian sulking up the street, wearing a big pair of white headphones. & i quickly  run after him.

when I finally catch up with him I nervously take a step back, and my heart feels as if it is about to explode.

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