"the begining of the end"

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Kalebs p.o.v

I stare at my phone waiting for her to respond and it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I havent heard from her since last night, which is far from usual. And im terrified that i may never see her again. The last time i saw her, she didn't seem at all like herself. It seemed as if all of the light had been stolen from her eyes.
She just seemed so fragile. So broken. So out of reach, when i needed her the most. We awoke the demon together. If only we knew what we were doing. We didn't believe in the myth of freddy krueger... who would? We thought that it was just some story, a fable that some people made up in a small boring town just to pass time... or maybe a group of drugged out teens got creative or had some crazy illusions or hallucinations and things went horribly wrong... we didnt believe then, but i wish that we would have. Because maybe if we did she would be here, and right now i fear the worst. My chest feels tight and i feel short of breath as i stare down at the cracked screen of my phone. Last week our lives were normal... well i mean, they were never 'normal' so to speak.. but i would do anything to get them back.....

***kalebs flashback***

"This is so stupid."
Tabitha rose laughed as she sat on a gravestone. Her long curly black hair with its pink streaks blowing in the wind. A bottle of cheap vodka at her side.
It had been halloween night and the two had already been drunk out of there minds. And planning to drink much more, a 12 pack of beer sat by kalebs side as he set up a quija board between the two.
"Its.. stupid, yeah." Kaleb laughed and stumbled a bit.
"Its extremely stupid.. but im bored and its something to do."
He grinned playfully as he sat down infront of the board.
"And it is halloween after all."

Tabitha smiled, rolled her eyes and nodded
"So... who are we contacting on this stupid thing?.. charles manson? Kurt cobain? Uncle rick?" She laughed.

"All good ideas... but no."
Kaleb cracked open a bottle of beer and laughed.
"Freddy krueger..."

"Oh wow." Tabitha laughed.
"Now hes going to haunt our dreams kaleb!" She jokingly shrieked.

"Oh he haunts my dreams."
Kaleb joked, raising an eyebrow
"I just smoke alot of crack so that ill stay awake, so that he cant get to me."
Kaleb playfully opened his eyes very widely and began to dance.

"you are so stupid, i swear. Crackhead" Tabitha Laughed.

Kaleb smiled as he sat across from tabitha on the old cracked gravestone. The wind began to howl and shake the leaves on the trees in the distance. The howling sounded like groaning, like sobs coming from someone in excruciating pain as he put his hands on the game piece.

"Wow... Thats, creepy..."
Tabithas eyes widened as she laughed.

"I know, don't you just love it?"
Kaleb smiled deviously.

"No i do not... I'm seriously about to go home dude..." Tabitha laughed and shook her head.
"You can love it all by yourself."

"Yeah right..." Kaleb smiled
"Like im going to let you walk home drunk by yourself." Kaleb smiled as the howling got louder.

"I might be safer if I do though, because I kind of feel like we're in some kind of horror movie right now, and things are about to go horribly wrong." Tabitha laughed.

Kaleb shook his head with a smile as he looked down at the board
"Freddy, are you there?"
He asked, his eyes gleaming.
suddenly the board began to shake and the game piece flew out of kalebs hand and rapidly moved around the board in all sorts of directions. Making the two of them jump back, then quickly stopping at the word

"Im going home Kaleb." Tabitha got up very quickly and slung her red plaid book bag around her shoulders. But it didn't stop Kaleb.

"Is it true what people say about you? That you haunt people's nightmares? That you kill people in their sleep?" He said aloud. The wind still howling, the board still shaking.

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