apocalypse part 2

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Savannas p.o.v.

i make my way to the corner store, feeling as if  i have nothing left to lose anymore. i grab a bottle of whiskey out of the freezer and look around very nervously to see if anyones watching me. i put the bottle in my purse and very casually walk out the door and back into the alleyway where i open the bottle and start to chug it. i down it as fast as i can, my tongue burning. i drink every drop. i drink until i start to feel numb and the world spins around me. i start to lose my balance and i fall. i look up and i see Damion standing infront of me, looking down at me sympathetically he extends his hand, i reach out to grab his hand but he disappears into thin air. i start to cry as i struggle to get off of the ground but i am weak and tired. I'm so tired. my vision becomes blurry and Damion stands before me once again extending his hand sadly. "it's okay." he assures me. i reach out for his hand once again and now freddy stands before me, he laughs menacingly. he grabs my hand and drags me across the concrete with his knife like fingers.  i close my eyes and i just let go, and wait for the end. "i give up." i let out a long deep sigh.

Baileys p.o.v

i search for savanna, shouting her name out in worry. i pass a dark alleyway and that's when i see her. shes alone but she's being dragged very violently across the pavement. shes closing her eyes as shes being tossed around like a fragile doll. i can see scars forming across her arms. a bottle of captain morgans lying in the alleyway. "Savanna!!" i scream bloody murder as i rush over to her and grab her. i cling to her tightly and the force drags me across the pavement along with her. i cringe as the concrete scrapes against my skin. i dig my finger nails into her arms and scream in her ears as loud as i can. "wake up." suddenly we stop and savanna looks up at me with wide and dialated eyes and I'm still clinging to her. she starts to cry uncontrollably and she reaks of alcohol. "its okay." i assure her. "no. it's never going to be okay." she shakes her head and cries. "what were you thinking?" i shout in anger as i let go of her. "what do you mean?" she mumbles in a drunken stupor. "this is what i mean." i hold the bottle of whiskey up and shake it in her face. "are you trying to kill yourself?" i throw the bottle onto the pavement and it shatters, making savanna jump. "just leave me alone." she replies in anger. "i just saved your life you drunken idiot." i shout. "look around, this isn't life bailey, this is a nightmare." she shouts at me in anger and i shake my head in grief. "you're plastered." i snap at her.  "why would you do this?" i ask sadly. "you were just going to leave me here." i cry.  "you don't need me." she shakes her head, looking down at the concrete sadly. "just leave me here." she closes her eyes and starts to drift off into sleep again, i grab her to keep her awake and she pushes me away as hard as she can. i fall on the ground and into the pile of shattered glass. i look up and  two police men stand before us. "is there a problem here?" they ask very suspiciously. the two of us now both reaking of alcohol. "someone called us, said that they heard screaming??"

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