corrupted angel

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Baileys p o v

I lye awake in bed and my heart is so broken that I feel completely sick to my stomach. I have tried to call Brian over 100 times but have gotten no response. I had been an idiot to think that he would never leave. Because everyone leaves me. No one ever stays. Not only am I losing all of the people that I love. But I'm slowly but surely losing me. Brian said that I was strong but I don't think that I am. I can't be strong anymore. Its just too much. I fight to stay awake but I'm so tired. I can't fight anymore. I cry myself to sleep.

I am surrounded by fog. Everything seems so dark and dreary. Thats when I feel a cold hand pat on me on the shoulder. I turn around in fear and it is Damion.

"hey did you miss me?" He smirks.

And I cry. Backing away from him. Because I know that it isn't damion. Its just another one of Freddy's cruel tricks.

"fuck you Krueger." I shout.

"you bastard." I cry.

"name calling?" Freddie laughs "are we really going to stoop that low here Bailey?" He chuckles. "by the way all of that profanity is not lady like."

"go to hell you ugly piece of shit." I cry out.

Thats when I see Brian appear from the fog.

"bailey cmon we have to get out of here" he shouts in a panic and I eagerly take his hand and run with him through the fog.

"Bailey I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. And I love you." Brian stopped and looked deeply into my eyes. "you're so beautiful." He placed his hand upon my cheek and I smiled from ear to ear. "we are going to make it out this, you and me." He smiles. And I smile back. Getting lost in his gaze. my eyes widen in fear as Brian's fingers turn Into knives. Digging them into my face. I try to get away but I am not strong enough. This satanic laughter comes out of Brian filling me with fear. This is not Brian, how could I have been so stupid.

"I guess you know that Im not really  Brian now."
Freddy laughs.
"are you dissapointed?"

"Brian!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs hoping that he will appear which only makes
Freddy laugh harder.

"you want to see Brian?" He laughs. "here he is!" He shouts with delight. suddenly the fog fades away and I can see Brian's dead body lying on the floor. His eyes are wide and he looks petrified and a gun lyes next to him."

"No!!" I scream at the top of my lungs and cry out hysterically. Thats when freddy runs his knife like fingers across my throat and I fall to the ground. Crying. My hands around my bloody neck I gasp for air. But I can't breathe. I lye next to Brian's dead body in tears and I clothes my eyes tightly and I just let go.

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