Let It Be

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Chapter 39 - Let It Be

Finn's POV:

I got back to my house, after the party was over and once Puck got home safely. I mean the party was okay, but it wasn't anything I'd choose over Rachel. I mean is there anything I would chose over Rachel? I don't really think so. Oh my gosh. I totally forgot that I had a Skype date with her tonight! I quickly kicked off my shoes, got into pajamas, ruffled my hair, and picked up my laptop. Rachel HATES when I miss our special Skype dates. Considering we don't see each other, she says that it's really important for us to make times to talk, and stick with it. Which I also agree with. I saw that I had missed calls from her, so I hit the green button and waited for an answer. I heard a bubble noise, which meant that she answered, and I saw her glowing face.

"I'm so sorry, Rach! I totally spaced that we had a date tonight. I hope I didn't miss much. How was your night?" She smiled, relieving my stress. "Not too bad. I just had dinner with my dance partner. Before you say anything, it wasn't like that. He wanted to catch up, so we ordered pizza and watched TV. It wasn't exclusive, or anything special." It was kinda weird that she spit that out. The first thing I hear, is that she just had dinner with a guy. I guess she say my face melt, when she said she had dinner with her dance partner...whose a guy! I mean does she really have to see him outside of rehearsal.. "Look you know I'm the jealous type. I know I'm the jealous type, I mean even Mr. Shue knows I'm the jealous type. And I know you think I'm super dramatic, but I'm coming to you saying this as a friend. Even though I'm more than just a friend." She nodded, "I know you're more than just a friend." I nodded some more, and continued on. " I just want you to know that I'm...not comfortable with you seeing him with no one else around. I'm sure he has a big fat crush on you, and I'm not there to control that, and that makes me so enraged. You're my girl. Not Broody's. Mine."

I rubbed my temples, and took a deep breath.. "Baby, I know you'd react like this. That's why I told you, and didn't keep it from you. Because it's not a big deal. You're the only guy for me, I don't need you here to remind me. I don't need to be reminded. A love like ours, doesn't get forgotten just because I'm not physically with you. Okay..?" Rachel knows how to comfort me perfectly. One of the many qualities I love about her. I took a sigh, and said okay. She re-positioned in a pretzel form with her legs. "How are my Dads?" "They're good, they miss you like crazy though." Rachel got sad, she is so close with them and it hurts me just as much to know she misses them. "We'll figure out a way for you to see them really soon." Rachel replied with a smile, "And you. I need you just as much." After a long pause of just sitting there, listening to each others background noises, she ended that with, "I hate to say this but I'm really tired. I'll text you tomorrow night. I love you Finn." "And I love you."

Rachel ended the face chat, and I closed my laptop. I have no idea whether to let this be, and wait for Rachel to come back, or do I go see her as soon as possible? I think after finally being so clueless, I knew the answer to this.

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