Somebody To Love

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Chapter 8 - Somebody To Love

Finn's POV:

I couldn't wait to see her face. After we've been dating for several months, I can't get sick of her. By now, if I was making out with someone as much as I am with Rachel I would have broken up with them months ago. Like I've said, Rachel is different. I think, I lo-, I think I really, really like her. A lot. It would be too soon for me to say the l word, besides like. She looked so cute, in her fuzzy animal sweater. After she got in my car, I drove to school. Well our "secret" spot near school. Once I parked the car, we automatically looked over at each other and started kissing. Placing my hands on her neck lightly, then slowing moving them down her waist, making my grip tight. Pulling her towards me, as I got lost in her lips. Catching my breath, I pull away and kiss down her neck. Feeling her hands on my neck, getting cold chills. I wonder if she noticed. Her touch was so light, and careful, but still firm. I tried to lighten the mood, by starting to give her a hickey, then she started to laugh as it started to tickle her. Hearing her laugh, I couldn't help but do the same. She fought me back, and shortly after that, we left the truck walking to school, where I would spend about 6-7 hours thinking about her, until I could fully be with her. Knowing I get to see her, is what gets me through the day.

Rachel's POV:

After Finn walked me to my locker, he went to his. But before he left, he rubbed my side and kissed my ear. I put some books in my locker, and took some out. Summer is coming, and I couldn't wait to spend every second with Finn. Anyway ever since I started dating him, I've felt even more confident, he makes me feel so beautiful. My popularity hasn't gone up, but who cares? I have Glee club. And Finn. That's all I need. Walking to first period, I met up with Kurt. I have history class with him, and we always talk. Kurt wrapped his arm around mine and started, "So tonight there is a Barbra Streisand marathon. Are you in?" As he smirks, I answer with a most definite yes! We made plans to see each other at eight o'clock pm. Surprisingly the rest of the day went by fast. At three fifty, I walk out of the main entrance, and see Finn waiting for me on the bench. He takes my bag for me and pretends to make it look like it's heavy. "Ahh what do you have in this thing?"

"It's called books, Finn. And I have lots of studying to do. Especially this weekend." Being partially blind of what that meant, we keep walking to his truck. I suddenly saw Finn's face light up. "That's right, so do I. Maybe you could tutor me.." As he smirks, I look over at him. Folding my hair behind ear, "Isn't that a little obvious? Us "studying"?" He shrugs, "So is that a yes?" "It's a maybe." He put my bag near the feet area of the truck, as we sit down.

"So when should I pick you up?" Looking scattered, knowing he's going to get an idea. "I'm actually hanging out with Kurt tonight.." His face got bright and he looked over at me. "Well then I hope I don't run into you. It's not like I live there or anything.." Finn always knew how to make me laugh, either if it was sexual jokes or just in a conversation, he always made me laugh.  As I started laughing from his desperateness of hoping to see and be with me. On a more serious note, he said "I can still pick you up though, I wouldn't mind seeing you again today." "That would great." We both shared a grin. Then he dropped me off at my place, and I told him when to get me, and we said goodbye. Walking into my house, I realized how truly lucky I was, to have him. How lucky I was, to have somebody love me as much as he did.

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