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Chapter 34 - Dreams

Rachel's POV:

I gave my Dad's one last big hug, before I left. After Finn had taken my bags, I sat in his truck. He started his truck and headed in the direction towards the train station. Our ride was weirdly quiet. After I told him I was glad he was the last person I was going to see, I squeezed his hand tightly.

Finn got out of the truck, and opened my door for me once we parked. He lightly set the bags next to me. I couldn't help but cry. This was the last time in at least four to five weeks I would see him, my Dads, and friends. After I got done hugging him, he held onto me and kissed me. Finn grabbed both of my hands holding them in his. He finished, "I will always be in love you Rachel Berry." I whispered to him saying I love him. I couldn't kiss or hug him anymore or else I wouldn't be able to leave.

After hours of being on the train I finally arrived at New York. Grabbing my bags as I got off of the train, I quickly ran across the street. I followed the directions off of my iPhone to my not so permanent apartment Shelby had rented for me. Opening my apartment door, I placed my suitcase near my bed. I looked around, the apartment was quite big. When you first enter, the first thing you see is the kitchen. It had long dark counters, a silver two door fridge, a dark silver oven, and a microwave in between the cup boardsd up above. The sink was pretty big, the kitchen even had a dishwasher! There was bar stools against the breakfast bar. Then to the right there was a small dinner table with four dark chairs. Then ahead was a living room aera with a grey couch and flast screen with a fire place below it. My bedroom and bathroom were on the other side of my apartment. I had a king sized bed with a beautiful comforter on top of it. There was two white night stands on each sides of the bed. Across from the bed was a flatscreen above a dark hardwood dresser for me to store my clothes. My bathroom was conncected to my room like how it was at my house expect this was so much nicer then mine. Everything was brand new. I had a walk in shower, and a bathtub in the bathroom. The vanity was amazing. Maybe my time in New York wont be so bad as I imagined.

Unpacking the very last of my stuff I placed the picture of Finn and I on my nightstand, guessing on which side of the bed I was going to sleep on. Then I put my suitcase in the closet next to my dresses, heavy coats and shoes. The rest of my clothes was in the dresser. I had a veggie salad from a resturant across the street delivered to my apartment. My first day here I wanted to stay in. I looked at my phone as I was finishing my salad, sitting on my couch. I called Shelby and told her I made it. She wanted me to meet her, so I could start on broadway right away. She gave me directions. I decided to call Finn after I finished my dinner. I took care of the mess and walk into my bedroom. I was staring out the huge window in my room, as I listened to the phone ring. "Hey Rach, how's New York?" Finn's voice sounded rough like he had just got up from a nap. "Amazing. The city is so gorgeous. Shelby got me an apartment, and in my bedroom there's a huge bed. If only you were here to share it with me.." I could feel the smirk appearign on his face. " I know baby. I'll be with you in a few weeks. I'll be able to then." I swallowed, and looked down. "Not soon enough for me." "Just make sure I'm the only guy who goes in bed with you okay?" Finn said jokingly. He knew I wouldn't be with anyone else, while I was here, right? "I promise." We ended the call shortly after we said I love you, because it was midnight and I needed to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and the streeet was so busy. By eight I was already to go. My makeup, and hair done, and I was dressed. I met Shelby with the address she gave me. There was a stage. I talked to a manger who was head of Broadway. I had to sing for him, and he immeaditley applauded afterwards. "You are our star. Reherasals start tomorrow. Let me introduce you to some people who you will be working with." I followed him, going into a different room. This was my dream. Before I didn't know if dreams were worth fighting for, but they so were.

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