Lean On Me

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Chapter 40 - Lean On Me

Rachel's POV:

After Brody left, I fixed the couch and put the plates in the sink to be washed later. I turned the TV off, and after puttering around I ran the bath water. I filled the tub with bubbles, and essential oils. Got into the tub, after throwing my hair in a bun. I sat in there for an hour just thinking. Just missing Finn. I can't wait to see him, all of my friends. I opened my eyes, once I heard my phone vibrating on my sink's vanity, I stood above the tub reached for my phone, and sat back down. "Hello?" I never looked at the caller ID so I had no idea who it was. "Rachel?" I screeched when I heard that familiar voice. "Kurt!!! Oh my god, how have you been? I haven't talked to you in forever! How's Blaine, and everybody else? When are you coming up to see me? Are you oka-" "Woah, woah Berry! Take a breath. I've been good. I have been missing my best broadway buddy. Blaine and I are good. Tina, Sam and them are good too. We all just really miss you. I don't have good news though." He paused for a second, then just blurted it out. "We can't make it. We can't find enough time or money to come and see you. I'm so sorry Rachel." I had been missing them for weeks, and I can't take this news right now. "So you guys, can't come and see my show? The reason why I'm here in the first place?" A tear formed in my eye, but I couldn't make this worse by crying. Not right now. "I know Rachel, and we feel terrible. But we will celebrate when you come home. Which is soon right?" I shook my head, as though he could see me. "I actually have to tell you something." I swallowed hard, wishing I couldn't talk right now. "This is so hard for me to say, I can't even tell Finn. If the producers like me enough, then they'll put me in this show regularly." I heard Kurt's jaw fall. "Like live there. That's awesome Rachel. It really is." I couldn't do it anymore. I squeezed my eyes, and broke. "I miss you so much Kurt." My voice broke, and I felt my ugly crying face coming. Kurt swallowed hard, and told me he loved me. After that we just hung up, promised we'd talk again soon. 

I got out of the bathtub, and changed into pajamas. I heard my laptop vibrating, the screen half way down. I answered, there he was. My perfectly handsome guy. I kinda figured Finn would forget our "date" night."It's okay, I kinda thought you forgot. I just got out of the tub." I have to tell him about Brody, it was bad enough I was hiding two things from him. Now just one. He reacted the exact way I had thought he would. Totally insane. It kinda made me smile when he admitted that he was jealous, once again. Usually he would upset me with all of this nonsense, but I actually liked what he was saying. Him being jealous was good. It meant he still really cared for me. My eyes sort of twitched when Finn said the dude probably has a crush on me. After hearing Finn babble I put all of this to rest, with explaining to him, he's the only guy for me. 

I was truly relieved to hear, once again my Dads were doing good. Even though we called each twice a day, it's still good to hear that they're doing good, from someone else. After saying goodnight to Finn. I shut my lights off, got dressed, and got under my sheets. 

The city lights, were reflecting off my wall and floor. You always hear city sirens in New York City. I looked at the space next to me, and sighed. I closed my eyes, my muscles aching. Tomorrow will be a long day. All I could think of how I needed to lean on someone, I know I'm independent, but occasionally I like to have someone. It's been two months since seeing anyone from Ohio. I just want someone. I need someone. Someone like Finn.

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