Oops, I Did It Again

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Chapter 26 - Oops, I Did It Again

Rachel's POV:

Finn woke me up softly, by kissing the top of my hand. How the sun was hitting the side of his face he looked so handsome. His face was softly shaved like usual and his light brown eyes were examining my dark ones.

I thought Finn would've known he was my first crush and love. "My turn now. What is something we can do, to cross off your bucket list?" I arch my brows, as I wait for his answer. "Well I have you. That's pretty much my bucket list." He made me blush, like he always did with his words. Trying to be sexy, I say before I kiss him with tongue, "Well let me know if you think of one.." I smirk, as I feel him move his legs pushing into the bed. He always did this when he got excited. This time I wasn't fully naked, and neither was Finn. I had sneaked my underwear on during the night, as my bra was on the whole time. I leaped out of bed, and squirmed into one of his big shirts. Signaling Finn over to come downstairs with me, by bending my pointer finger slowly with a smirk. I race down the stairs as I hear him jump out of bed and chase after me. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs he had already caught up and grabbed my waist drawing me towards him. As he started kissing me, he placed me against the wall next to the front door. Finn rubs my waist as I slowly put my hands on his cheeks and near his jaw line. We started really getting into it, then suddenly someone knocks on my the door. Finn pulls away as I look over towards the noise. Letting go of his body, as he lets go of mine I slowly open the door not knowing if it's my Dads.

Slowly creeping the door open a little bit, because Finn was in his boxers still. Quinn and Puck appear behind my door and have a confused look as I'm not dressed. "We thought we could come pick you guys up and go to dinner together. Maybe watch a movie?" Quinn answered as I crossed my eyebrows as of why they were here. "I miss my best friend, Finn. You might know him..I'm sure you were just slumming it with him" Puck added roughly. My cheeks started to blush, as I knew Finn was hearing this. Finn peaked his head around the corner, covering his bottom half. "Let me go get dressed.." His face was red, and I giggled sorta embarrassed they saw us like this. "You guys can come in, I'm going to go do the same." Nodding slightly, opening the door wider for them to enter. As I was walking up my stairs, I was kinda ashamed that they knew I was sleeping with Finn but I didn't care. I love him. I mean have you seen how handsome Finn is? Quinn and Puck have done much worse then this. I would do it all again. Sleeping with Finn, getting caught. And I wouldn't even be ashamed.

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