Give Up The Funk

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Chapter 41 - Give Up The Funk

Finn's POV:

Last night was kinda hard for me to swallow. I don't expect Rachel to not be around other people especially guys, but she knows how I feel. I hope she doesn't do anything like this to me again.

I have to say that waking up every day is sort of a struggle. I'm not saying I live and breathe for my girlfriend but she's my best friend. And to have to get through every day with only messaging her is hard. I know I have the others from Glee club and Puck, but it's different. Rachel is not just my girlfriend, she's so much more than that. 

I slowly rolled out of bed. My routine has been the same ever since Rachel went to New York. Eat, go to work, shower, eat, say goodnight to Rachel, bed, and repeat. Over. And over again. I need to figure out something. I want Rachel to be a part of my life, which she is, but she can't be my whole world. As much as I'd like her to be, it's not healthy for me to be that attached to someone. I need a different plan, because this...this is not working out for me. 

After getting dressed and brushing my teeth I went to the kitchen to grab a water and apple, and car keys to make my way to work. 

Life can't be this boring. If my only form of excitement is another person I must be missing out on something. Right? I need to get out of this funk, and really find something different... 

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