Never Can Say Goodbye

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Chapter 30 - Never Can Say Goodbye

Rachel's POV:

After we sorta settled our conversation about New York, I just wanted to be with him. Just to simply hang out with Finn. We laid down on my bed and watched TV. I turned it down a little as I started to speak. I always remembered what Finn's mother said about him being petrified of girls.

Next it was his turn to ask me a question and he always made it raw and sensual. He asked me how much I will miss him when I leave. Of course my answer is a lot. I lightly touched his belly button, and everything above it as I trailed my finger to his cheek. Finn had gripped my thigh, as I gently held onto him. Once I finished saying I will never leave him, he started tearing up. "Don't say anything.." He said, looking down. I had never seen Finn cry before, and after a year I finally did. I laid my head down on his chest, my eyes saddened

Finn kissed my cheek and then we turned the TV on again. I grabbed my back as it was aching, I had been so focused on singing my body was hurting all the time. I had rolled over off of him laying on my chest. Finn leaned down next to me and used the hard part of his palm for my lower back. Once he knew my back hurt me regularly, I didn't even have to ask him to rub me.

We went to bed shortly after our show Friends ended. During the middle of the night I woke up. I had a nightmare that something happened to Finn. That he got into an accident. Breathing deeply, I rolled on my left side. I started to calm down and I listened to him breathe. To hear something so simple it comforted me somehow. Finn must of heard me rolling around because he woke up halfway, "Are you okay?" "I'm good now.." I had said slowly. Then he rolled off of his back, facing mine and he pulled me closer wrapping his arm around my waist. "I love you.." He mumbled, then fell back asleep. Im going to need him so much, when I leave. I know two months or so seems like nothing, but it is when he's there for me everyday. Like I've said a million times now, I can't and won't say goodbye to Finn. At least not for forever.

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