Dream On

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Chapter 7 - Dream On

Rachel's POV:

I had suddenly heard a knock on my front door, hoping my Dads wouldn't wake up I quickly ran down the stairs. The only face I wanted to see was Finn's, and that's exactly what I got. Crossing my eyebrows, I opened the door, and ask him what he was doing here. After he said what he needed to say, he didn't give me a chance to do the same. Finn kissed me, with all of his anger, compassion, sadness, and love. He kissed me. Two make out sessions in just one night. Tonight was a good night. After Finn said, and did what he needed to do, I asked a just a simple four word question. 

"Are we together now?" I asked while his hands were still on me. The way he answered, was walking back to door, twisting the knob to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow." With a grin on his face, he went to his truck, and returned home. And now I couldn't wait for tomorrow, and the next day after that, and the day after that because, I finally got the guy.

Once morning sunlight hit my bedroom, I instantly got up and got ready. Within a half hour I was dressed, and had my makeup and hair done. I grabbed a quick breakfast once I went downstairs and brushed my teeth. Heading out the door, with my backpack saying goodbye to my Dads when I saw Finn's truck pull in. After a couple months of dating Finn, this has been my daily routine. He comes 15 minutes early so that we can have alone time, before school starts, considering we only have a couple of classes together throughout the day. I hopped into his truck, and he always greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. We had a "secret" hiding spot to put his truck while we would make out. Having my hands on his neck, as Finn was kissing my neck up and down. I started giggling, almost laughing while it felt like he was trying to give me a hickey, and I could feel his smile. "Finn, don't!" I try to make him stop, as I start to laugh. Pulling my neck away from his reach, even though he was holding onto my waist tight enough, I couldn't fully pull away. He starts to pout and groans, "But why not, baby?" "Finn, I can't have a hickey on my neck, right before I go to school." I see him start to get a wise smile. "Okay, then later tonight?" He ends with a laugh. I take my hands off of him, and grab my phone looking at the time. "We gotta go, or we'll be late." Quickly scrambling to get my bag, as Finn is still holding onto me. "Or more importantly I'll be late." Giving him a look, I manage to squirm out of his grasp. 

Once we both got out of the truck, we head to the school entrance. Finn grabbed my hand like he usual does, interlocking our fingers, holding my hand tightly as if someone would try to steal my hand away. He was so protective, and I loved every moment of it. I didn't have to keep dreaming on about Finn Hudson being my boyfriend, because now he was. 

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