Don't Wanna Lose You

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Chapter 32 - Don't Wanna Lose You

Rachel's POV:

After I had finally fell back asleep, I woke up and Finn had brought me breakfast. He was about to head out and I got to get a kiss out of him. Once I finished the food he had made me, I waked downstairs and took care of my dishes. I looked out my kitchen window and there they were. My Dad's had finally came home. I ran outside and hugged them. Lately I haven't seen them very much at all. "I've missed you so much!" I said loudly to them. "Our little star. How were you while we were gone?" Leroy folded my hair back smiling wide. "I had a sleepover with Quinn. Kurt and I had went to the movies." Then I paused, looking down then at them.. "But I have to tell you something. Finn and I did..see each other." I breathed in deeply. "I went to dinner with him, Puck, and Quinn. But we weren't alone. At all." They both nodded and smiled. "Thank you for telling us, sweetie." Hiram said without blinking an eye and had hugged me again. I can't tell them the full truth. I know I wouldn't be able to see Finn again. Ever. I helped them bring their luggage in and we sat down at the table to talk about tomorrow morning. "So we can help you pack tonight and Finn will bring you to the train station." I nodded as my Dads finished talking. I went upstairs and started packing. I knew this would be a long night.

I woke up bright and early, to make sure I had everything. Before I zipped my suitcase up I gently placed the picture of Finn and I that was always on my nightstand, on top of all of my clothes. The picture of us was when we were in the choir room about to kiss. Kurt had taken it. I brought my suitcase, purse, and carry on downstairs near my front door. I looked over and saw Finn with my parents. He looked so cute sitting there. I thought it was so nice of him to take me. The only thought tracing my mind was that, I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him. And I hope that me going to New York won't trigger that.

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