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Chapter 20 - Somewhere

Finn's POV:

I was all ready to pick Rachel up but she said she was going to ride with Quinn. Was she actually upset from something and was trying to cover it up? Did I do something wrong? She let me walk her to class so I guess not. I just really miss being with her. 

Rachel's POV: 

It was audition time. I was going to sing 'Somewhere'. I have been practicing for weeks, night and day, I knew I was going to get this. I went after Mercedes, and I knew I had a shoe in. After my performance, belting the last note out, they clapped. Our auditions were in front of the entire Glee club, and everyone would decide who got the part. I wiped the tears from off of my cheeks, and thanked them, walking off of the stage. 

The next day Mr. Shue posted the list of who got what part. There it was in fine ink, Maria played by Rachel Berry. I had gotten the part. I told Mercedes she did good, I couldn't be totally rude. I had spent everyday after school in the auditorium. Finn had football practice at the same time so he wasn't ever there. Tomorrow I would be practicing the kissing scene with Blaine. He had gotten the part of Tony. I got done staring into the stage lights and practicing my solo for the hundredth time and heard some clapping from the front row. There was my Finn. "You are such an amazing performer. Especially the other day at your audition." "Thank you." Blushing, I was smiling relieved to see him, "What are you doing here, don't you have practice?" "I decided I wasn't feeling like it today." He got up, and walked on stage. "I miss you Rachel," Finn said putting my hair behind my ear. "I miss you too, but this musical is something I need to give 110%, to make sure it helps with NYADA. It will make college professors be so more out to accept me." He nods knowingly. "Well I'll go and let you be then", he said with a smile. Before he let go of my hand fully, I tugged him back. "Actually I need your help. There's a kissing scene tomorrow and I need some practice.." Putting my hand on his cheek, he grins. Finn leans in and we start kissing. It had been a long time considering we kissed a lot before, since I've felt his lips. And I missed him so much. After we finish Finn added, "Maybe I should've been Tony, if it meant I got to be as close as I am right now and practice with you like this.. " Smiling, as I missed his jokes. "You did pretty good, but there's usually no tongue in musicals so watch yourself next time." I was smiling wide, I turn my head still holding onto Finn as a shadow says, "I have some notes myself." As the shadow got closer I regretted standing here. I didn't want a fight. My smile disappeared. All I wanted was to be with Finn. Alone. The shadow was Jesse. Out of all people it would be Jesse. With what I knew was going to happen next, I wanted to be somewhere else but here. 

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