Don't Rain on My Parade

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Chapter 19 - Don't Rain on My Parade

Rachel's POV: 

All I can remember is dancing around last night while drinking and that's it. Now I'm waking up, having a huge headache with Finn's arm around my hip. "What happened last night?" I asked having a complete loss of memory. After Finn told me everything, I was shocked. I never wanted to act like that in my life, towards him. I didn't want to seem like a hoe bag. "Did we?" As I was nervous of the answer. "No. But you wanted to. Many, many times. I had it all in me not too" he answered seriously. No smirk. "Thank you so much. If I was with any other guy they would have used me. And I am so grateful to you, for being as caring as you are." Kissing his cheek, I rubbed his chest. After I kissed him, several moments after Finn started dying of laughter, I waited for him to tell me. "As I was bringing you home, you started feeling me up towards my zipper and you start saying, Let's have some naked fun.. I don't understand why you so badly. Even when we got home you tried forcing me again." Finn fininshed wiht a smile looking at me. I punched him in the side, "Don't make fun of me!" Then we both start laughing.

The weekend was now over, and Finn went home. I love Finn but I do need to try to focus more on my future and school. I knew I was going to be with Finn forever, but I needed to be sure about my work. Monday morning came. I went downstairs to catch a ride with Quinn, because Finn distracts me, and I needed to start getting in gear again. Walking to her car, his truck was in my driveway. "Rachel what's up? Why don't you ride with me?" He asks after approaching me. "I just think we should hang out with friends again. I miss mine, and I'm sure you do too. I just need to focus a little more that's all" I try warming a smile on my face to relax him. Kissing him on the cheek, "I'll see you in English." Without him responding I jump in Quinn's car and head to school. I knew this might hurt him, but he hasn't been with his friends in awhile. I didn't want Finn to keep giving up everything just to be in a relationship with me. 

Getting my books for English, I feel a hand on my back. Turning around Finn gave me a peck on the lips. "I know you want space which I don't, but I'll respect your choice. Can I at least walk you to your class?" I smiled big, and I grab his hand and walked to the classroom. 

It was three thirty which meant Glee club practice. "So glee clubbers we have a musical called West Side Story coming up and auditions are right around the corner." Mr. Shue announced. I could feel myself get excited, I couldn't wait. I was going to get the lead. This would be big for college, even though I have endless after school club credits, but this would be a lead. I am going to be more of a star then I am now. I am going to practice day and night for my audition. I have to get the part. No one, not Kurt, Santana, or Mercedes were going to take this away. No one was going to rain on my parade.

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