My Favorite Things

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Chapter 17 - My Favorite Things

Finn's POV:

I say this every time but god she's just amazing. Rachel had a red polka dotted dress, that make her dark chocolate brown eyes pop. When I got home with her my Mom had the dinner table set. She made fish and some salad. It sounds like not very much food but Rachel loved salads. "Carole you look lovely!" Rachel called out before she sat down, as Carole grinned at her. Rachel sat next to Kurt as I sat across from her. Then Burt at the end, and my Mom next to him. Dinner wasn't exactly as quiet as I wanted it to be. My Mom wouln't stop talking about embarrassing things directed towards me, like how I was actually petrified of girls when I was younger, and I use to dance and sing around the house everyday.

This is my first real family dinner with Rachel. Yeah we've grabbed lunch with Kurt or my Mom before, but not all five us all together. I liked it. It made me feel like Rachel and I were serious. Which we were. 

Rachel's POV: 

Dinner was delicious. I always enjoyed hearing some stories about Finn, that he would have never have told me on his own. I loved hearing memories about him. Before I knew it dinner was done and I was helping Finn's Mom pick up. The boys went into the living room, because their favorite show was on. I didn't mind, it let me have time to bond with Carole.

After we stopped talking she went to go do some laundry while I finished loading the dishwasher. Knowing the boys were in the living room I didn't expect seeing Finn. But there he was, surprising me once again. He quietly came in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist. "It was so hard not to play footsie under the table with you.. " he said smirking. Putting his head between my neck and shoulder, as he kisses the front part of my throat. Finn whispers, "I love you Ms. Berry." Then he back into went in the living before Carole came back. Grinning the whole time, as I knew he was watching me. Finn was such a dork, but adorable at the same time. Being with Finn, dating him, having romantic moments like this, glee club, and his family were just a few of my favorite things.


Hi guys!! Thank you so much for over 2,000 views and more then 200 votes!! Comment down below to give me some inspiration or ideas and I might be able to combine them together with my story line! Let me know how you think it is, I accept all criticism good and bad!! Thank you again. ♥ )

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