Taking Chances

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Chapter 10 - Taking Chances

Finn's POV: 

I was still bored from being sent upstairs from my step brother? Like what the hell? Anyway, after I heard the TV get shut off, I heard Rachel's feet going upstairs, and quickly I laid down on my bed, shutting my eyes. After she shook my shoulder, I threw her on top of me and let's just say we had a pretty raw moment. And I loved every second of it. After that, I drove her home and I kissed her goodnight. I was okay, saying goodbye to her because tomorrow we had our "study" date and I couldn't wait to see her. 

Once morning came, I called Rachel finalizing our plans, and because, ya know. I wanted to hear her voice. Puck and I have plans, which consists football practice. Puck had his own ride, so I headed out the door, straight to the school's football field. Cheerio's practice was at the same time ours was, and obviously Quinn is on the cheer leading team, and she always somehow makes her way over to me to talk. I've never told Rachel because nothing's ever happened, and because it would be more of a reason for her to doubt me. Doubt us. As I was walking onto the field with my pads and jersey on, I got of course stopped. 

"Hey Finn. How's everything been? I haven't seen your short sack of a girlfriend, lately. Are you still together?" As I turn around to see Quinn, I roll my eyes. "Is this a daily routine with you? Get over yourself, and stop trying to make other people feel bad about themselves just because you happen to have a low self esteem." I turn around after that, not even seeing her reaction. No one, talks about my girlfriend like that.

By the time I got done practice, I was beyond ready to see her. When I got home, I took a shower and brought my back bag so it at least looked like we were going to study because Mr. and Mr. Berry were going to be home. I drove myself over there, and knocked on the door. 

Rachel's POV:

While Finn was at practice, I did my nails and conditioned my hair. Doing your nails, takes quite a lot of time to get them just right. After getting out of the shower, I set up snacks. Like cutting up fruit, putting chips in a bowl, or getting drinks together. I set up the living room, with a large blanket on the floor, placing my books and papers around the blanket, putting pillows everywhere, and putting the food on the coffee table. I was ready to see him. Once I heard a knock, I had to tell my Dads that Finn was here, because they don't want me sneaking up to my room with him. I open the door with a big smile seeing him. "Come on in", I say as he kisses my cheek. We went straight to the living room, and sat down. "So I fixed a few things in case you get hungry, then there's pillows behind you because I know you have a bad back", I nod as Finn's smiling because I got so prepared. Finn said with a chuckle, "When you get nervous it's so cute. It means you care." Leaning closer to each other without even noticing, getting lost in his eyes I say softly, "Of course I care about you." "Well I lo-", Finn almost finished saying, but my Dad interrupted, "Doesn't sound like studying to me." Finn's face got so red. He almost just told me he loved me. Finn took a chance when he almost had said he loved, telling me his true feelings. That's the way I liked it. 

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