Red Solo Cup

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Chapter 37: Red Solo Cup

Finn's POV:

My job is so busy. I've been getting more hours at Burts shop more then I ever have. Football is pretty intense, even though I'm not going to move forward with it, I'm working my hardest at it. To make sure I played as much as I possibly can before my time is up. My sleep schedule is going crazy. I'm going to bed at three am sometimes even later and then waking up at seven thirty everyday for my morning shift at the tire shop. my eating habits haven't been very good either, but I managed to join a gym and I have to say that my arms are getting pretty big.

I miss my girl so much. But I've managed to keep myself busy with things around me. I visit her Dads every few days. Bringing them desert or some wine. Anything to take their minds off of them being so lonely without Rachel. The night before I took Rachel home, I spent it with Puck. That was one of the most fun I've ever had with my boys. Until tonight. Puck invited me to this party at some girls house. I think it's gonna be fun.

*A few hours later, leading up to the party.*

"Yeah, yeah I'm here." Puck was pestering me to make sure I didn't wuss out on him. I shut my car door and walked to the house's door bell. Some random person opened the door for me, I could hear the music from outside, it was so loud. There were so many people! How was I going to find Puck?? I squished between a group of people and tripped over the steps that enter into the living room. The lights were low, people were dancing, talking, playing beer pong, even people drinking. Puck had a solo cup in his hand, and four girls all around him. This was a surprise. Not. Puck loved the ladies. I hit his arm gently. "See dude I told you I would make it!" He looked at me and tipped his head slightly. "I was surprised. I mean you have your Jewish "girlfriend" in New York. Who knows if you would've been able to make it. Just promise me you'll have fun?" Furrowing my eyes brows and shrugged. "What do you mean? I always have fun." Puck gave me a look. "Let's sit over here and play some never have I ever.." Puck had the girls wrapped around his arms, literally. A huge crowd of people squeezed onto the couch. I sat on a foot stool and waited for someone to start. I had a solo cup too, but I'm driving home so I put soda in it instead. Of course I didn't let Puck know. This red solo cup, wouldn't make this night complete anymore then having fun would.

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