Chapter 9 - A gunner through and through

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It's been three weeks since I asked leah to be my girlfriend and we've barely spent a minute apart. We've either been at her house or mine and ive loved waking up to her every single day. Todays the day I go to arsenal and sign my contract me and leah are going in together but I've got to walk her up first. I'm laying in bed just watching leah as she sleeps, her head is on my chest and her arm is draped across my stomach. I wish I could stay in this moment forever. I softly kiss Leah's forehead and stroke her hair and she starts to wake up 'good morning baby' I whisper into her hair. She makes this cute groan sound and inhales through her nose 'good morning my love' she looks up into my eyes and its probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen I lean down and kiss her lips. 'I'll never get bored of waking up next to you I say' she kisses me again 'it's the favourite part of my day' she says 'well other than the sex' she laughs, I laugh back and start to tickle her she carries on giggling and tries to get away from me but I'm too strong and she cant. I laugh and let go of her she straddles me and leans down to kiss me. 'Baby as much as I love this moment we have to get ready ive got to sign my contract today.' I peck her lips again. 'I love you' she says to me 'I love you too le I'm so excited to start this chapter together.' 'Me too baby' she says.

We both get up and get ready, technically she has a day off so doesn't need to put on her training gear. We make the journey to London colney together and walk in hand in hand to meet jonas. 'Jayde!' He says 'I'm so excited to see you. And Leah I wasn't expecting to see you here.' 'Hi Jonas.' Leah says 'yeah I lnow but Jayde's my girlfriend so wanted to come with her to support her.' Jonas smiles at us and says 'ahh I see well I'm happy for you both and cant wait for you to get started with us here at arsenal Jayde.' I smile at him and say 'Thank you Jonas I'm excited for this new chapter too.'. We walk down to a media room the three of us and I sign my contract, we take some photos and Jonas begins to tell me what he expects of me. 'So Jayde as you know for the previous years we've had Zinsberger in goal but she would like to pursue clubs closer to home, and so we decided we needed a new starting goalkeeper that's going to be you id like for you to. We've watched you for years and we knew that we couldn't pass up the opportunity to play for us. So barring injury, id like for you to be our main keeper. Also as you know Kim Little has now retired from football I saw what you did at West Ham as vice captain and thing you would be a good fit as captain here. I want you to settle into the team first so for now Leah will be acting captain until you've settled but as Leah is captain of the England squad she will keep her vice captain duties here and eventually id like for you to be our new captain. But I will let you settle into the team first.' I'm completely taken aback by this but so grateful. 'Wow thank you Jonas I won't let you down.' I look over at Leah and she is beaming with pride as Jonas leaves she comes running over. 'Baby I'm so happy for you, I'm so proud of you too and so ready for you to be my captain.' She has a cheeky look in her eyes. 'Well Leah if I knew being your captain was all it took to turn you on I wouldve tried that years ago' I laugh and she slaps my arm 'jayde not here' I just laugh at her and we walk out of the media room hand in hand. Leah takes me on a tour of the club and we pick up my training kit and go home.

On the car ride home I get a spontaneous lightbulb moment and decide that actually were not going home we are going to go on a date. Me and Leah are holding hands in the car, as we also do, and our hands are resting on her leg I bring our hands up and kiss her hand. 'Le?' 'Yes my love' she says. 'We're not going home right away' She looks over at me puzzled 'what do you mean baby?' I pull the car over to the side of the road and put it in park. I look over at her and ask 'how would you feel about going on a shopping date?' She leans over and kisses me softly and says against my lips 'I would love that JJ.' I pull her closer to me and bring her into a passionate and loving kiss. She settles back down to my seat and I say 'okay so ive got a plan. I saw this thing on TikTok where we both go shopping but shop separately and buy things for each other so things like id get you your favourite drink, sweets, meal, dessert, something we can do together, and just things like that and Id really love to do that if its okay with you.' I kind of rambled the last part out and Leah shuts me up by kissing me. 'Baby anything you want to do I want to do with you you're my favourite part of everyday and I hope I get to spend everyday with you for the rest of our lives.' I pull her into a deep kiss and ask 'what's got you feeling all soppy?' She giggles and says 'I just love you so much.' That is when I realised that I wanted to ask Leah to marry me.

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