Chapter 32 - The wedding

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A/N i have changed the name of the first chapter as i feel this way fits the story better

Tomorrow is the day i marry Leah. I could not be more excited, tonight I'm staying at my mums house and Leah is staying at my nans. My nan refused to have Leah stay in a hotel so she is staying with my nan along with her parents and beth is staying here along with me and my parents. 'So Jayde how you feeling?' Beth asks. I look up at her from across the table where were eating dinner, 'you know how sometimes before they get married they get really nervous or like get cold feet.' Beth and my parents all look up at me confused and concerned, its almost laughable really. I actually start giggling at this reaction. 'Alright calm down, what i was going to say was that I'm not feeling any of that, i am actually overcome with excitement. I couldn't be more excited, although i do miss Leah so much. I'm gonna go and call her in a bit, not FaceTime though don't worry sticking to the traditions.' Beth just starts laughing and says 'you're so whipped.' My dad finds this hilarious and bursts out laughing and so do i, 'well yeah beth if I wasn't I wouldn't be marrying her.'

Once were finished with dinner i go outside to call Leah, 'hey my beautiful girl, how are you?' I say when she answers the phone.

'Missing you.' Leah replies.

'I miss you too baby, but it will all be worth it for the amount of sex were gonna have tomorrow night.' I hear a gasp in the background and David laughing.

'Leah please tell me that i am not on speaker and my nan did not just hear me say that.'

'Umm well.'

'Leah.' I say.

'Jayde i did hear that, we all did.' I put my head in my hands and groan.

'Sorry nan, i thought that this was a private phone call, Leah maybe next time tell me that I'm on speaker.'

'Sorry baby, you're off speaker now.'

'Thank you for that le, as much as i know my nan knows i have sex, id rather she didn't know the plans i make involving sex.'

Leah laughs at me down the phone.

'Is your outfit ready for tomorrow?' I ask

'Yeah, I've got it all ready to go. We are getting dressed at the cathedral though right?' She asks me.

'Yes le, don't want anything getting crinkled now do we. My hair and makeup is also being done at the cathedral.

'Yeah same...' there's a brief pause. 'Baby I'm so excited for tomorrow.'

I can't help but smile, 'I am too le, I can't wait to be married to you.'

It is the morning of the wedding, i am so excited but also very stressed. I just want everything to go perfectly, 'mum are you ready?' I shout up the stairs 'we have to go to the cathedral now, i need to get ready and make sure everything is ready to go before Leah gets there.' My mum came down the stairs. 'Jayde i am ready will you relax were early anyway.' I can hear my dad and beth laughing from the kitchen. We get all of our stuff together and head to the cathedral , once were there i make sure everything is where it should be. Once i am sure everything is ready i get ready myself. I am walking down the aisle first with my mum and dad on either arm. My sister and cousins are my bridesmaids along with Steph and viv, the rest of the hen party girls are Leah's bridesmaids and so are her cousins.

Once i am ready, beth comes in to tell me that were ready to go and everyone is seated, and i finish off my final checks and head out for my walk down the aisle. My younger cousins lead the way, my two youngest male cousins are the flower boys who head down first, followed by my cousins my sister, steph then viv, beth and now me. My aisle walk song is canon in d. It was my mums song and now it is mine too. We walk down the aisle and my mum and dad both give me a kiss on the cheek and take their places sat down on the front row. I look to my right and beth winks at me this is it.

Leah's bridesmaids all walk down the aisle, i look to my left and see katie nodding at me. Now its Leah's time, Leah's song is a thousand years, i knew when she suggested this that the second I saw her i would cry and i would be right. I turn around to look at her as she walks down the aisle and immediately a tear comes to my eye, she looks perfect. Beth nudges my arm and just nods, we made it. Leah eventually meets me at the front of the cathedral and I take her hands . 'You're perfect le.' I whisper still with tears in my eyes, she brings her hand up to wipe the tear off my cheek, 'I could say the same to you' she whispers back.

The priest goes through all of the boring stuff and then we get to the vows, we decided to go with traditional vows as we were going to make speeches at the reception. The priest starts with me and I repeat after him,

'I, Jayde Louise West,

take you, Leah Cathrine Williamson,

to be my wife

to have and to hold from this day forward;

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

Till death do us part,

According to gods holy law,

In the presence of god i make this vow.'

I place the wedding ring on Leah's finger and she repeats the same,

'I, Leah Cathrine Williamson,

take you, Jayde Louise West,

to be my wife

to have and to hold from this day forward;

For better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

Till death do us part,

According to gods holy law,

In the presence of god i make this vow.'

Leah places the ring on my finger and holds my hand, the priest continues on. 'By virtue of the authority vested in my by the Church of England, i now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride.' I grab Leah and kiss her spinning her around and dipping her.

We make our way back down the aisle together with people throwing confetti over us, we go into a separate room and sign our marriage certificate. And we are officially married. We then head outside of the cathedral to take some photos with just me and Leah and all of our wedding party and family. Then Leah and i head back to our hotel so i can get changed and so we can have a bit of time to ourselves before the reception.

Once we get into the hotel and up the stairs i stop Leah, 'le wait a sec.' She looked at me concerned. 'I've got to carry my wife over the threshold.' She smiled and jumped into my arms kissing me. I carry her through and place her on the bed deepening our kiss and then pull away. 'Baby as much as i would love to have sex with my beautiful wife right now, we have a meal and party to get to.' I go and get changed into my suit and when I come back out Leah has also gotten changed, into another dress. Still a white dress just smaller and shorter, easier to manage. 'Well look at us.' I say smiling, wrapping my arms around her waist. 'We're just so in sync aren't we my love.' I kiss her and say. 'Should we get going?'

'Yes baby, lets go.' She replies.

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