Chapter 47 - Babycation

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Now that we only have a couple of weeks until the baby is due Leah and I decided we wanted to go on what Leah has named a 'Babycation' we are spending four days in an air bnb just in the middle of the countryside, where it'll be just me and Leah no distractions, just time for us to be us before the baby comes.

'Leah will you please just tell me where we are going? Pleaseeee.' I beg clinging onto her hand from the passenger seat of the car, 'no baby I promised you a special Babycation and that meant not letting you have to do any planning or anything it's a surprise okay.' I sulk back into my seat and huff out. 'Don't you go getting stroppy on me now missus we've still got another two hours left in this car.' She informs me, 'two hours! Jesus Leah I swear if this has all just been one long con so you can kill me in the middle of the woods.' She cuts me off laughing and squeezes my hand, 'I promise you its not its just a surprise and its actually a really nice one too.'

Eventually we arrive at this beautiful log cabin in the middle of the woods, I was asleep and Leah woke me up to go inside. Being at this late of a stage in the pregnancy im tired most of the time, especially when there's two little babies relying on my body. 'Le oh my god this is beautiful.' I exclaim as we walk through the front doors. 'Only the best for my pregnant wife.' She replies planting a kiss on my cheek. Leah carries our bags in and up to the bedroom, it's a massive queen size bed, loads of room for me to spread out, I plonk myself down on it and starfish, 'wow le look at all this room for me to spread out.' I say spreading my legs fully across the bed. 'Yeah babe, except,' she says shifting my leg over, 'this bed is actually for the two of us.' I gasp pretending to be shocked, I start to tickle her stomach, 'you mean to say that this isn't all just for me.' She squeals as im tickling, 'hey that's not fair I cant fight back you're pregnant.' She exclaims, I giggle and stop tickling her stomach laying my head on her chest, 'im really glad we could have this time together le, not long and it'll be four of us and not just us two.' I lean up and place a soft kiss on her lips, 'I love you baby, and our two little ones.' She says, she's staring down at me with the softest, most full of love eyes and I swear this girl just continues to make me fall for her more, if that's even possible. 'I love your eyes Leah, deep blue full of love. I love every part of you.' She tilts her head to look at me, 'what's brought that on?' She questions, I lift my hand up to stroke her hair out of her face and leave a kiss on her lips. I lean my forehead up against hers and whisper, 'everyday I think I couldn't love you more, and then everyday you prove me wrong.' I pull my head back and she smiles at me, the most soft and beautiful smile, 'I am going to spend everyday for the rest of my life proving that I am worthy of yours and both our babies love.' I can see that there is tears brimming in her eyes, I grab her hand and use my other one to touch her cheek, 'Leah you have always and will always be worthy of our love.' A tear falls down her cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb, 'don't ever think you're not worthy of this, of us. You have always proved to be worthy of this, you prove it everyday I don't always say it but I notice all of the little things that you do and don't take credit for, making sure the kettle is on for me in the morning ready for when I get up. The text messages every single day when you're at training checking up on me when you know for a fact im absolutely fine. Looking for me before and after your games, making sure im never alone at the games. I notice everything you do for me Leah. If anything I think its me that needs to prove that I'm worthy of you.' She kisses me again, 'I love you so much it hurts my heart, im not saying it hurts to love you it's the greatest pleasure of my life, but every time I look at you it feels like my hearts gonna burst from love. I have always loved you and will always love you. You're my world, its always been you, even before I knew it, it always has and always will be you. I want to make a deal with you.' She finishes, never mind we've just had probably the most caring and loving talk of our entire relationship and she's ready to just move on straight like that.

'Oh yeah babe, what's that?' I ask giggling

'I want us to promise that after the babies are born we will both take one night every two weeks to go on a date night, to have just that one night all to ourselves. We can get my mum to babysit or im sure your dad would be more than happy to have them or even beth and viv if we need to, but I want us to make sure that we still have time for each other without getting too wrapped up with life at home, time for us outside of football too.' I squeeze her thigh and look up at her, 'I love that idea, im so down for that.' I give her another soft kiss and we settle down and watch a film before going to sleep. Leah does her usual nighttime routine of talking to my belly. Now whenever she talks to them the babies start to kick which is beautiful but at the same time not very fun when you've got two mini footballers in your stomach, they both have strong kicks.

In the morning we head out for a stroll in the woods, 'le I don't know about you but I do not want to be out in these woods when dark hits.' She glances over at me and rolls her eyes, 'Leah I swear to god if I wasn't pregnant, I would fuck you till you couldn't walk because of that.' She looks over at me smirking, she knows she driving me crazy. 'Well for one you are pregnant, so no sex for us also its 10am the sun isn't gonna set for hours and we are not going to still be in the woods when it happens.' I raise my eyebrows at her and she smirks again, god that smirk. 'Well looks like someone's got attitude this morning. What's the matter le, wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?' Her face drops and she frowns at me dumping herself down on this bench we found overlooking a lake. 'You know damn well what happened this morning baby.' She replies putting emphasis on the 'baby', I laugh at her thinking back to the events of this morning and how I woke her up at 9 by throwing water over her face. To be fair to me, she had been refusing to get up since 8 and I had been awake since six dealing with the kicking babies. 'Leah you promised me last night before bed you wouldn't get up any later than 8 and we could go for a walk.' I reply sitting down on the bench next to her, 'it doesn't help that I am frustrated too Jayde.' I look at her confused, 'frustrated? What could you possibly be frustrated abo- ohhhh.' I finish of realising why shes frustrated. 'Look le, I know we haven't had sex in a while and believe me its killing me too, maybe if I wasn't as big as I am we could've done but it just makes me so tired now. Tell you what maybe tonight we try it and hopefully I wont get too tired.' I say to her and she grabs my hand shifting closer to me. She smirks at me, 'trust me babe, we won't need very long.' She kisses me and pulls me up as we continue our walk.

Once wed got back from our walk it was around 2pm, we ended up going to the nearest town and having a look around. When we got back Leah and I flopped down on the sofa and I snuggled into our side, 'le im gonna go for a nap, can I sleep on you?' she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into her more 'of course baby, im feeling pretty tired too so ill probably fall asleep as well, ill put a film on in the background. Leah set an alarm for an hour so we don't oversleep and not sleep tonight and I eventually drift on in Leah's arms.

A/N Sorry for the delay in updating I've been dealing with issues with my knee and everything to do with that and I've also been dealing with writers block.

Also Leah's back guys I've never cried so much in my life when that happened and to assist beth on her first game back, our golden girls are back for sure i couldnt be happier for them.

Ps, I've been working on another story which is focused on original characters, ones a female footballer called Hayley jones who plays for Arsenal and is a striker, and the other character is Jamie West a solider in the army who is a female medic in the special forces. If you guys want to read it id be more than happy to start releasing chapters, I've written 6 so far.

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