Chapter 38 - Knockouts

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In the quarter final we have Spain, this is possibly going to be our biggest test so far. Spain is one of the best teams in Europe and this game is not going to be easy but I know we've got it within the team to smash it and win this. The lineup for the game is:

1 J Williamson

2 L Bronze

6 M Bright

8 L Williamson (C)

3 R Daly

10 G Stanway

4 K Walsh

7 B Mead

14 F Kirby

11 L Hemp

9 E White

The first half were pretty even in possession with neither team really having any decent shots on goal, at least not decent enough to score. We go in at half time and sarina does the half time talk, basically telling us to get our shape together and sort out the issues we've got. We go back out for the second half and unfortunately go 1-0 down in the 54th minute, Leah do everything we canto get the girls spirits up, Sarina makes some substitutions, we think all hope is lost when in the 84th minute tooney equalises to take us to extra time. Sarina pulls us together and gives us a motivational talk, then in the 96th minute g scores a screamer to pull us ahead and the game finishes extra time 2-1 to us.

For the semi final we have Sweden the lineup for the game is:

1 J Williamson

2 L Bronze

6 M Bright

8 L Williamson (C)

3 R Daly

4 K Walsh

7 B Mead

10 G Stanway

14 F Kirby

11 L Hemp

9 E White

We have control for the whole game Beth makes it 1-0 in the 34th minute followed by a goal after half time for Lucy in the 48th minute to make it 2-0. Less scores in the 68th minute to make it 3-0 and then Fran brings it home with a fourth goal in the 76th minute, we are comfortably through to the final. A euros final at Wembley. That's every footballers dream, and were getting to do it.

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