Chapter 13 - Arsenal

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It had been two weeks since mine and Leah's sort of fight. Things were going well at arsenal and id settled in really well I made my debut against Aston Villa. We won 3-0 and I got player of the match. I don't understand how, I made some pretty decent saves but Leah had by far had a better game but nevertheless id take the achievement. We had crazy good sex that night Leah treated me for being her star girl. This week were against Chelsea and jonas has decided to give me the captains armband as ive been here for 6 weeks now and settled in really well. Becoming a natural leader within the team. Leah couldn't stop telling me how proud she was of me but I felt like something was off with her shed been a little bit distant the past couple of days but I was gonna wait until after the game to bring it up.

As we're going out to the tunnel to line up for the game Leah pulls me back into the dressing room and says 'good luck baby go and show them what our new captain is made of.' And she pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss. 'I hope you know now you've done that I want that before every game as motivation.' I chuckle out to her. 'I'll do you one better baby.' She whispers into my ear 'keep a clean sheet and ill let you fuck me with the strap.' And then she bites my ear and walks away. Now ive definitely gotta keep a clean sheet.

The first half goes great for us and especially me. Chelsea have had a few shots on goal but ive managed to stop every one. Then in the 43rd minute leah makes a crunching tackle on Sam Kerr earning her a yellow card and giving away a free kick just outside the area. She's gonna beat herself up for that one its okay though over got this covered. I set up my wall and get ready for the shot. Sam kerrs taking it which means shes going to shoot, she has great curling ability but I'm six foot two so I'm tall enough to reach the top corners. She steps up for the kick. I set myself. She runs and shoots I watch the flight of the ball and its curling into the top left corner I leap up and across and palm it away from the path of the goal. I've just made potentially the greatest save of my career. The whistle blows for half time and we all head into the changing rooms. Leah immediately jumps into my arms congratulating me for the save.

We head out into the second half ready to go I'm more confident in my leadership from the back and by the 75th minute were 2-0. Leah starts to make a break into forward into midfield but before she can get anywa Sam Kerr makes a crunching tackler and Leah's on the floor screaming in pain. I go running over and shove Sam Kerr yelling at her 'why would you do that. That was a potentially injury causing tackle what is wrong with you.' The girls come running over and split us apart. Leah's still on the floor clutching her ankle so I go down to her level. 'Baby what's happened.' I say holding her hand. 'It's my ankle' she cries to me. The physios give me a look to say its not good. I bring my head down to Leah's ear 'hey baby its going to be okay. It's probably not as bad as it looks I'm here I promise I'm not going to leave your side okay.' I kiss her forehead, I don't care who's looking. She looks up at me and says 'baby ill be fine you need to go back out there and win this game for me okay come and find me when your done I love you don't worry about me.' I nod at her and say 'Leah your my world ill always worry about you but were gonna win this game for you and then ill be straight by your side I love you so much.' And with that leah is stretchered off the field, as much as I'm really worried for her I've got to focus on this game this could be a potential title decider.

The game ends 3-0 to us and when its finished I rush around shaking hands, gotta act like a captain after all and rush to find leah I'm running down the tunnel when I see Jonas. 'Jonas where is she?' He looks at me and says 'physio room 4 Jayde and don't worry she's going to be okay its not as bad as it seemed.' I nod and thank him and run through the hallways to leah.

As I burst through the door I see leah with her head in her hands looking at the ceiling. 'Hey beautiful how are you feeling' I ask making my way over to her and holding her hand. 'It's a grade two sprain so not as bad as we first thought but ill still be out for up to 8 weeks.' She whimpers I know she's gutted as it means shell miss the next international break but I know that I'm going to do everything I can to look after her and be there for her every need.

Leah's given a boot and crutches to protect her ankle. I help her get in the car and drive us home. She holds my hand as usually but stays silent most of the journey home barely saying anything at all. When we get in the house I help her in and ask 'do you want a shower baby or do you just want to go to bed?'. She looks at me and the sadness in her eyes just absolutely crushes my soul. 'I want to shower but I cant do it alone.' I walked over to her and pick her up. 'That's okay. Ill help you.'. I carry her upstairs to the bathroom and let her get undressed and I get undressed too. I help her into the shower and let her put her weight on my so she doesn't have to put her ankle down. I get the shampoo and start washing her hair and she does the same with mine once the shampoo and conditioners down I help her wash her body letting her hold onto my shoulders for balance. We're silent the whole time but it's a comfortable silence. Then Leah starts crying. 'Hey hey Leah what's wrong?' She clings onto me and says 'I'm sorry you have to babysit me this must be so frustrating for you.' I look at her and I'm devastated, she looks so broken. 'Leah I will always look after you, I know you would do the exact same thing for me if I was injured.' She looks me in the eyes and just says. 'Thank you.' Once id helped her out the shower and dried her off I wrapped her in a towel and carried to our bedroom so she wouldn't have to try and walk. I placed her in our bed and went to go and get some clothes for her to put on and then got dressed myself.

After we were dressed I helped Leah into bed and got a pillow to prop her ankle on. 'I'll be back in a minute okay le?' She nodded and I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and got her a pack of squashies an ice pack and made us two hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows as I know Leah loves them. I head back upstairs with the stuff and as I walk in the room Leah sees me and tears up. 'Baby what's wrong?' I quickly ask rushing to her side. 'I don't deserve you' she cries. 'Oh baby yes you do I'm so sorry this has happened but its okay we're gonna get through it you and me okay.' She nods and leans to give me a kiss. I put her hot chocolate on the side next to her, give her the packet of squashies and position the ice pack on her ankle. I get into bed next to her and put on a movie for us to watch and settle down. 'Will you cuddle with me?' Leah asks. I shift over and put my arm around her and kiss her on the head. 'Always baby.' I reply.

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