Chapter 30 - The return

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It's now been a month and a half since Leah and I moved in together and todays the day I've been cleared to play football again. It's a bit different for goalkeepers, like with outfield players they can bring them in slowly for more game time but as goalkeepers we don't tend to do that, we normally wait until were fully fit and ready to go before fully playing again. Well today is the day I'm playing again, hopefully the full ninety minutes but well see how it goes. I am starting though and I am the captain again.

Leah and I walk into to London Colney together, well I actually strutted, but we went together. Today we were playing at the emirates made my return even more special, it was a London derby and a sold out crowd. When we walked in to the lobby I got loads of cheers and and whoops from all the girls and lots of congratulations and hugs. We got on the team bus ready to go to the stadium, when we got there I kept my head down and walked straight through with my head up as I kind of wanted my return to be a surprise for the fans, at least until they announced the lineups.

We got to the dressing rooms and all got ready and then went to warm up, in the warm up I could tell something was off with Leah so when we went back inside to lineup for the game I wentup to her and said 'Leah what's wrong?' She looked at me kind of pale and said 'I'm okay I just need a little bit of water.' I nodded and let her go and get the water but still a little bit worried about her I went and let Jonas know that I was worried he said 'okay, ill still let her play but ill have the physios monitor the situation throughout the game.' I thanked him and lined up in the tunnel ready to go, I'm lined up next to beth England as she is the spurs captain and we share a hug and then we walk out. There's no feeling quite like walking out to a packed out emirates stadium, its such an amazing feeling. I do my captain duties and then and go and join the huddle firing the girls up. 'Let's make sure north London stays red girls! Gunners on three ready, one, two, three, Gunners!'

The game is going well its currently the eighty seventh minute and were three goals ahead when spurs are coming on an attack, they cross into the box and Leah goes to header is but as she does beth England is going for the ball as well. They clash heads and I just see leahs body go limp before she even hits the ground. I don't care where the ball is anymore I just run straight to Leah. I get down to her level and see that she's completely knocked out I roll her to her side and make sure her tongues out of her mouth so she doesn't choke on it when I see the physios finally arriving. Emma is immediately at Leah's head securing it. 'Well done Jayde.' She said. 'That was quick thinking, you may have just stopped her choking on her own tongue.' I don't even respond I don't care right now the only thing I care about is Leah waking up. They give Leah some oxygen to make sure she keeps breathing, but they're trying not to move her until they're sure she doesn't have a neck or back injury.

Once they get her head neck and back secured they start to carry her off the field and to the ambulance, I go to signal to Jonas for a sub but he's already done it. I pass katie the arm band and sprint off the field. 'Thank you Jonas.' I say as I run past him to be with Leah.

Once we get to the hospital Leah is awake and talking, the first question she asks isn't where am I,it isn't what happened. No my fiancé who has just been unconscious for the last fifteen minutes asks 'did we win?' I just laugh at her and say 'yes le we did win.' She then stops looks at me and says 'wait a minute you're supposed to be playing. Why aren't you playing?' She asks. 'Because Leah, Jonas and I both thought it would be better for me to be with my unconscious fiancé.' She laughs and says 'okay ill let you off, but only because I was unconscious.'

The doctor came back in and said that Leah was going to be okay just a bad concussion, no football or strenuous activity for two weeks and I had to basically babysit her for the first forty eight hours. Leah started laughing and said 'haha you've got to babysit me.' I roll my eyes at her and carry on listening to the doctor, when he leaves I whisper to her 'yeah I've got to babysit you but you're not allowed to have sex for two weeks.' When I've said it I bite her her ear and sit back down.

Once they get all her discharge papers signed we head home, I get Leah into bed and get her some water so she can take the painkillers the hospital gave her I make her some dinner and go and take it up to her. We sit and eat and then I take the plates down to the kitchen, when I go back upstairs leahs complaining that her head hurts so I let her cuddle up to me and she goes to sleep. I'm not tired yet so I sit and watch some tv before falling asleep my self. I wake up every half an hour or so to check up on Leah, I didn't set any alarms but I was just worried about her so my body kept waking me up naturally. Pretty much the next two days consisted of this happening and me making sure that she was okay. Leah was worried that I wasnt sleeping but I didn't care I just wanted to make sure shed be alright.

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