Chapter 19 - What would i do without you

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I apparently slept for an hour and a half. When I wake up I look around the room and see leah has lit candles everywhere, there's rose pestles all over the room and a bouquet of flowers next to me on my bedside table I casomething beside me which I think is Leah. But when I put my handout it's soft and squishy. I turn over in bed and see that next to me is a Giant dinosaur teddy. Wearing an arsenal shirt that says 'Mrs Williamson' on the back. We hadn't spoken about it but I did want to take leahs name and I guess she kind of guessed. I shout out for leah but don't hear anything back so I phone her. She picks up and it sounds like she's driving. 'Baby whats all this and where are you? Are you in the car?' I hear her saying shh to something and get even more confused. 'I'm just on my way back there was two more things I needed to pick up.'

Twenty minutes later I hear her coming through the front door she goes into the kitchen down street and then come up into the room. She kneels on the bed and crawls up to me. 'I missed you' I pouted. 'I woke up alone'. She pecks me on the lips and says 'I'm sorry baby but I had to get a few things you've had a rough week so I wanted to cheer you up.' I pull her down to me and kiss her making the kiss deep and meaningful. She pulls back and I say 'what would I do without you?'. She smiles and says 'wait here I've got one last surprise.' She pecks my lips and goes back downstairs. Two minutes later she slightly opens the door and says 'close your eyes' I oblige and say 'they're closed le.' I'm sat there wondering what could she have possibly bought when I feel her place something down on the bed. There's movement and then I can feel a little tongue on my face. I giggle and open my eyes to see a German shepherd puppy on my bed. I start to tear up and look at leah saying 'how did you know?'. She came and lied down next to me and said 'I phoned your mum and asked if you ever wanted a dog and she said that you've always wanted a German shepherd so I went and got a puppy. He can keep you company whilst I'm at training and you can name him whatever you want.' I pulled her over and kissed her. 'He's perfect le. Thank you'.

After some deliberation between me and leah we decide to name him Arlo. After a while of laying on the bed and playing with Arlo leah goes down stairs to swap my ice packs. When she comes back up she brings her laptop with her and some drinks for us. She sits back on the bed and puts the new ice pack on for me, 'thank you Leah' I say. 'Baby I told you I've got you and I mean it.' She lays back next to me and pulls her laptop open on some houses she's been looking at. 'Baby whats all this?' I ask confused. 'Well I didn't want to put you through through anymore added stress so I found a few houses that I wanted you to take a look at but these ones are the ones that made the Final Cut.' She starts showing me the houses but doesn't tell me her opinion on them as she knows that id only ever want to make her happy, I appreciate her and these little things she does. She scrolls upon this 5 bedroom house in St Albans that has this massive field in the garden a garage for the cars and a massive open plan kitchen, living room and diner. 'Le hold on a second.' I start and she perks her head up towards me 'seen something you like' she asks. She clicks through all the photos and I just fall more and more in love with the house. It would be perfect for me and leah, the garden would be perfect for Arlo and the bedrooms would be great for our future children. 'Le I think this has to be the one. I think it's actually perfect.' I say looking at her, hopeful. She nods at me and says 'that was my favourite too.'

Once leah had emailed the estate agent to ask for a viewing we settled down into bed. Leah had laid down some puppy pads for Arlo and was training him to use them. Watching her with our puppy just made it so much more clear that I cant wait to have a family with her. After she settles Arlo down into his new dog bed in the corner of our room she cuddles up to me on our bed. 'So baby what do you want for dinner?'. I kiss her head and reply 'I don't know leah you have already done so much for me today you shouldn't have to make dinner for me too.' She sits up so she's resting her back against the headboard and says 'well why don't we compromise and get a takeaway?' I pull myself up to sit in the same position as her and say 'okay but you have to choose.' Leah decides that she wants pizza and because she's so plain with her food we get two different ones a margherita for her and a Texas barbecue for me. We also order some cookies and chicken strips to share.

When the food was here she took my ice pack downstairs with her to put it back in the freezer as id need them again tomorrow. Then she came back up with the food, she was doing everything she could to stop me from having to move around and I loved her for it but I just needed to get a small sense of my normality back. So after we had eaten I decided I was going to try and shower by myself, leah brought one of our stools up so I could sit down whilst I was showering. But once I was done I struggled to get back up again, but I was determined to do it alone. So I tired the best I could but ended up falling over, leah came rushing in obviously hearing the crash. 'Baby what happened are you okay?' I just laid on the floor and laughed, but the laughter turned to crying. Leah came and sat with me and wrapped her arms around me 'I'm sorry le.' I said 'what are you sorry for' she asked. 'You've been helping me all week and I just wanted to try and do something alone for once I wanted to give you five minutes of peace but obviously I'm not capable of doing anything for myself.' I cried. She held me tighter and said 'oh baby I don't mind helping you, its not your fault your injured of course I'm going to help you. When I broke my foot you practically didn't leave my side the entire time and now you're getting upset that I'm helping you, you never asked me for anything once I'm doing it because I love you.'

After my mishap getting out of the shower she helped me up and back into bed, got me dressed and put the tv on for me whilst she went and showered. Whilst she was in the shower I went on to an online florist and ordered a massive bouquet to be delivered tomorrow whilst leah was at training, I also went onto an jewellers and ordered leah a necklace with my initial and birthstone on it and text beth asking if she would pick it up tomorrow but not to tell leah. She agreed and said shed bring it over after training whilst leah was in her meeting. Leah got out of the shower I quickly put my phone away. She came in and questioned it 'who you texting that you're hiding so quickly' I laughed and said 'baby I was just talking to beth she's picking up something for me tomorrow don't worry about it' she looked at me inquisitively and asked 'what's she picking up?' I was too distracted in looking her up and down that I didn't even register what she said. 'what huh?'. She kneeled on the bed next to me and said 'well babe if you weren't so distracted by my body.' She stopped, kissing me. 'Mmmm' I hummed 'I cant help it that my fiancé is so unbelievably hot.' I stopped pulling her down to straddle me. 'So what is she picking up?' Leah asked again. 'You'll have to wait and see baby, all will be revealed tomorrow night.' She gave me another puzzled but dropped it when I pulled her down to kiss me. We didn't have sex as leah was too scared to hurt my knee but we kissed and cuddled for a while before going to bed.

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