Chapter 33 - The reception

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'Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to introduce to you for the first time, mrs and mrs Williamson.' The dj announces.

Leah and i walk through the doors to the head table where we sit down together and get ready for the food. We eat first and then start with the speeches, we decided to do it starting with the best women then the parents and then finally Leah and i. Beth starts, followed by Alex, my dad, Leah's dad and then me and finally Leah.

'The first day i met Jayde i knew that we would be best friends. We just got each other, Jayde was the one person in the world that i would trust my every secret too and she still is. She has been my one and only best friend and I don't know what i would have done without her. Now I know I said the day that i met Jayde i knew we would be best friends, but there was one other thing I knew and that was that her and Leah were soulmates. They had a habit of clinging to each other, not literally, although they do, do that literally now.' This earns laughter from around the room. 'They were forever making excuses to be around each other, and these would be really shit excuses by the way, not a single person around them didn't think that they loved each other, except those two. Honestly it took them so long to get together, some times i questioned if they ever would. Well finally they both grew some balls and well here we are. I joke and kid, but in all seriousness there are no two people on this earth better suited for each other. I hope that one day i find someone that loves me as much as they love each other. And i hope that they have a long and happy marriage. So if everyone would please join me in a toast to my best friends, to Jayde and Leah.' I get up and give beth a cuddle, 'thank you beffy, that was perfect.' I whisper. Leah gets up and gives her a cuddle too.

Now it was Alex's turn. 'I wasn't around when Jayde and Leah met, however i did know Leah. And Leah and i were very good friends and let me tell you. Leah did not shut up about Jayde. Bearing in mind at this point they were "just best friends", Leah was already obsessed with Jayde.' I look at Leah and she's giving Alex a death stare. I just start laughing and Alex continues. 'Now Leah can look at me like that as much as she wants but she knows its true, in fact anyone who knew either of the two during that time would say the same. Regardless of Leah's obsession with her wife, i also knew much like beth that they were destined to be together. They are true soulmates, I haven't known Jayde as long as I've known Leah but in the time I have known her she has welcomed me into friendship, and now i could not imagine my life without her. Leah and Jayde are my two closest friends, I could not be happier for them both, so if you will all join me in raising a toast, I hope you have a long and amazing marriage, to Leah and Jayde.' Leah gets up first and goes and hugs Alex and then i follow.

Now its my dads turn, this one may potentially break my heart. 'My baby girl, I always dreamt of the day i got to give you away at your wedding, i dreamt up a thousand different scenarios and yet none of them were as perfect as today was. When you were growing up, i always knew you were gay, you'd protest it over and over and over, but I always knew and i always did my best to tell you that it was okay. A part of me always hoped that you would end up with a man that could love you and take care of you, that was up until you met Leah. I knew from the minute i met Leah, she was everything you would ever need, i know sometimes she irritates you. Even though by the way, the only reason Jayde ever gets annoyed at Leah is because Leah forces her to rest and not do things around the house, i mean what a thing to get irritated by.' Leah and i look at each other and laugh along with everyone else in the room. I lean over and peck her on the lips. 'Jayde has always been a nightmare to deal with, her mood swings are intense, she is always at an extreme end of the scale. She loves intensely, wears her heart on her sleeve and is not an easy person to calm down but when Leah's there its like she instantly calms her down. I have never met anyone so calming and kind. Leah, thank you for being the best daughter in law we could've asked for, you fit into our family so well you are everything to our girl and I couldn't be happier she chose to spend her life with you. This past year hasn't been easy for our family, with Jayde's ACL rupture and losing her godmum, its been incredibly hard, but Leah was there to support not only Jayde but our whole family. Leah I could never express how grateful i am to you for everything you have done and continue to do. We all love you so much. So if everyone would join me in raising a glass to my daughter and daughter in law, the happy couple. Jayde and Leah.' I get up crying and hug my dad. 'I love you dad.' I kiss him on the cheek. Le gets up and gives him a hug too.

My forever Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon