Chapter 25 - Fertility and a date night

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It's been a week since my surgery now and I have a lot more mobility, to start off with leah was reluctant to leave the house and go to training because she was worried about leaving me at home by myself, now that I am able to move around more freely leah feels better about going to train. As leah promised we booked the appointment the week of the funeral and todays the day we go to see a fertility doctor. Fortunately for leah and I we, as beth being professional footballers, have enough money to pay for it privately, but a lot of people don't have that luxury so we know how lucky we are. We know that for now at least we cant do anything until I've recovered from injury as it could risk messing up my recovery but seeing a doctor is a start at least.

On the way to the doctors im so excited and cant stop fidgeting in my seat. 'Baby calm down you're gonna hurt yourself you keep moving so much.' Leah pleaded with me. 'I cant help it baby today is the first step into starting our family.' She kissed my hand and said 'I know my love im so excited too.'

When we got to the doctors office we walked in, signed in at the reception and took our seat. About five minutes later a doctor came out and called our names, he looked like a really nice guy. He was a quite tall gentlemen just a little bit taller and me and im already six foot two. He walks us into his office and introduces himself as Dr. Wright. We sit down with him and explain that were not ready to get pregnant yet but we want to make ure that wed both be okay to carry and that everything is fine to do that. We also explain that we kinda just want to understand the process a bit better. 'Okay well all of those tests we can do today, im guessing you would want a sperm donor?' He asks. 'Yeah wed also like for the first baby at least for leahs eggs to be used and then put in me.' I reply. He nods and says 'yes that is quite a popular option and assuming everything is okay with both of you there's no reason why that wouldn't be possible.' We nod and thank him and he then does all the tests he needs to.

After the tests are done the doctor explains that the test results would be back within the week and he would phone to let us know. We thank him and leave. On the way home leah asks me 'how would you feel about stay at home date night tonight?' I nod and say 'yeah babe what did you have in mind.' She chuckles and says 'that's a secret youll have to wait and find out.' I laugh at her and say 'yeah okay'.

When we get home, I go up to our room to rest a little although my knee is still healing quite well it does still hurt a lot if I walk around too much, leah comes up and puts my special ice pack around my knee and says 'I'm just going to go out for a bit and get some bits for our date night will you be okay?' I nod up at her and say 'yeah I've got Arlo and my book' and stroke the puppy laid next to me in our bed. Leah laughs and says 'baby I thought we agreed that arlo is not allowed on our bed?' I make a pouty face at her and say 'yeah I know but he's keeping me company and saving me from my injury sorrows.' She sighs and laughs saying 'fine but only this once.' She leans down and gives me a kiss. 'Drive safe and don't be too long okay. I miss you already.' She kisses me again and says 'I'll be back before you know it.'

When leah left I decided to take a quick nap with arlo when I woke up he was laid above my head with his tail on my nose. I decided to make a post about the loss of my aunt, I had avoided it up until this point as I just wasn't quite ready to say anything publicly. I type up the post which reads 'Auntie Jamie. Losing you was and probably will be one of the hardest moments of my life, you were my best friend in want of a better term. My god mum which to other people might be someone you speak to every once in a blue moon, but for me she was someone I saw three or four times a month and we spoke almost daily. The day I found out I didn't know what to say, I just wanted to run straight home and leah made that possible. Without leah I probably would've crawled into a corner and stayed there but she supported me and didn't leave my side the entire time. My best friend forever, until we see you again. RIP Auntie Jamie, I will forever love you. From your best girl.' I posted a few of my favourite photos including the one with my brother. I saw that leah had liked the post and I heard her come through the door thirty seconds later. I heard her put stuff down in the kitchen and then rush up the stairs and bursting through the door. She looked at me as if to say are you okay. I look at her and just say 'hey le'  she came over and sat next to me on the bed and said 'how are you feeling.' I kiss her head and say 'I'm okay baby, I promise, I just thought it was time to say something publicly.' She knelt her head on my shoulder and said 'are you sure you're okay?' And I said. 'Baby I romise you I am okay, I just needed to say something. It was time to say my final goodbye.' I pull her chin to me and give her a soft kiss on the lips. She jumps up and says 'are you okay staying up here for a little while longer I've got some things to set up quickly?' I give her a puzzled look and say 'yeah I guess. How long are you going to be though like is it worth me putting the tv on and watching an episode of friends?' She leans down to kiss me and says 'watch two' and winks at me. 'I'll come up and get you when im done.' She said leaving the room.

About forty minutes later she comes back up and says, 'I need the blanket from our bed and the pillows'. I look up from my phone and say 'babe you are having a laugh right?'. She looks at me dead faced, with her hands on her hips and says 'nope hand them over.' 'Babe what am I supposed to sit on, you're going to leave me up here with no blanket and no pillows while I have an injury.' She comes over and steals the blanket off of me and says 'baby don't be so dramatic I just need these and ill be done ill be back in like three minutes.' 'Ughhh whatever.' She laughs at me and shakes her head leaving the room again. I huff and flop back on the bed staring at the ceiling.

A few minutes later she comes back up to our room to get me 'come on babe I'm ready now.' I just stay where I am and say 'nope you stole my comfort items im staying right here.' She comes over, straddles me and leans down to kiss my neck and says 'I guess Ill just go be naked by myself then.' Then biting my ear, she gets up and goes to leave the room. I rush out 'im coming. Im coming help me get up.' She comes over pulling me up from the bed and wrapping her arms around my waist ill pull her head closer to me with both my hands and kiss her. 'I love youuu' I say in a silly voice she kisses me again and says 'I love you too baby. Come on lets go and have our date night.'

We walk down to the living room leah helping me down the stairs obviously due to my lack of mobility still. Once I get to the bottom of the stairs she hands me back my crutches and leads the way to the living room. Our living room is fairly big but most of the space has now been taken up by a blanket fort leah has made. There's four blankets, which are obviously new because I have never seen them before, all built up and attached to the sofas and the side tables and things around the room. I turn to leah and say 'baby whats all this?' She says, 'well we have always wanted to go camping together. But with your injury and football its not quite possible at the moment, so I thought why not bring camping to our living room. There's an air mattress in the fort with our bedding on it as well as all of our pillows, I thought if we had the air mattress it would be easier for your knee.' I look at her stunned, I drop my crutches and pull her into a deep hug. 'Thank you le, I love it and I love you.' I give her a kiss, and she picks my crutches up for me.

We move round to the other side of the fort, which is open on the other side and is facing the tv. Leah helped me down onto the air mattress, me still not being able to bed my knee the brace was still on so it meant I physically couldn't bend my knee even if I tried, not that I wanted too. Once I settled down and scooched backwards to sit in a more comfortable position, leah ran to the kitchen and brought back all the snacks that she had bought. She also came through with some flowers she had bought for me. 'Have I ever told you that I love you so so much' I say, she laughs at me and says 'only the best for the love of my life' she replies. She places the flowers in a vase, comes back and lays down with me. She shuts the front of the fort and I say 'are we not going to watch the tv le?' And she says 'no baby in order for this to be a proper camping experience, were going to watch a film on the ipad cuddled up together nice and close.' She moves closer to me laying her leg across me and I say 'hmmm I love the sound of that.'

Leah got the ipad out and put Netflix on and seeing as it was date night I managed to convince her to watch one of my favourite films, The conjuring. Leah hated this idea as she is not a big fan of horror films, actually she hates them, but its one of my favourite genres of films and I told her I'd protect her. 'Now how are you gonna protect me with your injury?' She asks laughing. 'I'll just cuddle you and shield you from the big bad ghosts behind the screen' I say laughing back at her. She was not happy about this 'hey, you know I hate horror films they're really scary.' She said slapping me on the stomach. 'Oof, owww leah that hurt.' I laugh. 'Now im gonna leave the scary ghosts to get you.' I saw turning my head away, she pulled my head back towards her pulling me in for a deep kiss. 'Okay I forgive you' I say.

We watched the film together, me occasionally laughing at Leah with every jump scare and her getting annoyed at me laughing. Typical couple arguments, after the film we laid down and just cuddled talking about many different things and eventually fell asleep in each others arms.

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