Chapter 36 - Greece Pt 2

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A/N there is a slight smut moment in this chapter but it isn't really a proper scene so to speak

Once we arrived back at our little house I got changed into some of my relax clothes that I brought with me, grey joggers and a baggy hoodie. I then decided to cook for leah and I, I decided to make homemade cheesy garlic bread and to small lasagnas for me and Leah. She doesn't normally eat lasagna but she loves mine so she always eats it. I get started with the bolognese mix for the meat part chopping all of te veg up and then heating the mince with the sauce and then the vegetables. Once that is done, I get two small pots and layer them with lasagna sheets and white lasagna sauce and then finally a whole lot of cheese on the top I put the two pots in the oven to cook and then get started on the garlic bread. I get a whole clump of garlic, wrap it in tinfoil and then put it in the oven to roast. I get the baguettes out and slice four bits of bread in a diagonal slice so they're bigger than normal slices. I then put the pieces of bread in the oven and take the roasted garlic out. I mush up the roasted garlic and adds some herbs and spices to it to make a paste, and then get the bread out of the oven. I get the over garlic clove and smother the bread with it. I then put some butter on the bread followed by the garlic paste and then the cheese and place it back in the oven.

Leah comes back from the shower and sees me cooking, she comes over and wraps her arms around my stomach from behind 'oh my god that smells amazing, what are you cooking.'

I relax into her arms 'lasagna babe. And homemade garlic bread.'

'I really am married to the best wife in the world.' She says kissing neck. I turn around in her arms and kiss her, I pick her up and carry her to the sofa, 'what about the food Jayde.'

I lay her down on the sofa and reply 'I set a timer it'll be fine.'

We lay together on the sofa just kissing and giggling until the timer goes off. I get up and say 'le do you wanna go sit on the table and ill bring the food over and get us a couple drinks.'

'Okay babe.' She gets up giving me a kiss and then goes to the table, I go to the kitchen and get the food and drinks, we've both got wine, they don't seel jack daniels honey in Greece apparently.

After we've sat and eaten dinner we clear the plates and then when we're in the kitchen I pick Leah up and put her on the side. 'So I gather I've got some making up to do?' I say pecking her on the lips.

'Well yeah that was what we agreed on the boat and also you laying on top of me on that sand and kissing me like in the film was so hot.' I just hum licking my lips and kiss her again. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, I carry her to the bedroom and sit down on the bed with her on top of me. I pull her shirt over her head and then undo her bra from behind her back throwing it on there floor. I shove my head in between her boobs and she laughs 'for gods sake Jayde, you always turn serious moments into a joke.'

'Who said I was making a joke? I love your boobs Leah. I love every part of you, every inch of your skin is beautiful, the way your eyes sparkle in the sunshine but also in the moonlight, the way you look at me with so much love. I am so in love with you, every moment with you is special, doesn't matter if its funny or serious, or sexy for that matter. I cherish every single moment I get with you, you are and always will be the greatest love in my life.' She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

'Baby I love you too so much, but I wanna have sex with you right now and you're making me cry.' I pull her down to me kissing her, she takes my shirt off and throws it on the floor pushing me down back on to the bed. 'I'm having the fun tonight.' She says.

That went on for hours and needless to say we both woke up this morning exhausted, so we just decided to have a lazy day by the pool. I was in the pool just splashing about and Leah is on a lilo we bought. 'Do you know what's really weird to think about le?'

'What's that my love?'

'How the next chance we get to have a holiday like this there might be three of us.' I say leaning against her lilo.

'I know. It's exciting isn't it babe.'

'I cannot wait to start our family together, I mean we already have arlo and he's my perfect baby boy. But I cant wait to have our real child together.' Leah hopped off the lilo and wrapped her legs around me.

'Soon baby, once we've finished the euros you can start treatments and then hopefully well get pregnant and have our baby.' Leah looks down and I can sense something is on her mind. I lift her chin up to look at me.

'Baby what's on your mind? You can talk to me always, you know that' she sniffles and says.

'I guess I just, I'm worried that you're not going to want to carry, you've only just recently come back after your acl and I know that if it was me, I wouldn't want to take another break so soon.' I bring my hands up to either side of her face.

'Leah, my beautiful wife, football is not my priority. It's a career baby, careers come and go if I needed to and lost out on my contract tomorrow. Id find another job, I'm never going to find another you, I have never wanted to have a baby more than I do with you right now. If it was my choice I would start the treatments tomorrow, but I know that we want to be at the euros together and t win it together. I promise you baby, we are getting pregnant this year.' I kiss her and she softly cries into my shoulder.

'Thank you.' She says softly, we get out of the pool and get into some comfortable clothes and lay on the sofa together just cuddled up, we stayed like this for most of the day, I feel like Leah just needed some quiet time as I could tell she was feeling quite emotionally drained after our talk earlier. I could occasionally feel and hear her cry into me but I decided to let her tell me herself when she was ready.

The rest of our time in Greece we just kind of wandered around the islands and mainland doing odd little things, just being with each other. Leah's been a little bit quiet the past couple of days but I'm sure everything will be fine, she's very good at communicating so I know once she's understood what she's feeling herself shell talk to me then. After our time in Greece was up we headed over to Italy, we flew as it was easier. Leah and I don't normally like flying first class but we decided that as it was our honeymoon that's what we wanted.

'I can't believe we've only got four days left of our honeymoon le.'

'Yeah I know. I just want to stay in this bubble with you I don't want to go back yet.' We're cuddled up together on our flight talking about this and after she says that she starts to cry softly.

'Le I cant keep pretending like I don't know somethings upsetting you.' I say to her sitting up. She cuddles up to me sitting in a more uproight position and clears her throat.

'Jayde I don't know what's going on with me, I feel so down and I'm supposed to be the happiest I've ever been right now were on our honeymoon. I don't know what's wrong with me.' She clings onto me and is sobbing into me now.

'Baby, hey look at me. It is okay to feel down sometimes, its also okay to not know why you feel down. We all have hormones and we all have feelings and we can't control them. But we can learn to manage them, you should have told me earlier on le, I couldve helped you.'

'I know I just felt stupid, how can I expect you to understand what's going on in my head if even I don't understand it.' I kiss her forehead and say

'For better or for worse le, I said them and I meant them. I am here to help you work these things out, if you cant talk to me who are you going to talk to. Can I suggest something?' she nodded. 'When we get back speak to someone for me? I did and it really helped to get an outside perspective on things. they'll be able to help you learn to manage this.'

'Okay I will do it when I get back, I promise.' I kiss her forehead.

'I love you Leah, don't you ever forget that.'

'I'm not sure you would ever let me forget baby, and I love you so much more.'

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