Chapter 41 - Lets do it

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I've been home with Leah for two weeks now and I've never felt better. I think now is the time for me to make a public statement. 'Le?' I say from the sofa.

'Yeah baby'

'Can you come here a sec I need your help.' I ask, I hear her walking through the house from the kitchen. She comes and sits next to me,

'What do you need?'

'I think now I'm ready to make a public statement about my mum, but I want to do it together, she was your second mum le. We're in this together.'

She cuddles up to me and says 'of course baby, if you're ready I'm more than happy to do this together. I've been waiting for you anyway.'

We sit for about half an hour talking through our statement, and then release it with some photos of me and my mum as a kid, Leah and mum, us all at the wedding and us all just together. The statement read, 'Just before the euros final we received some devastating news, my mum was in a car accident that unfortunately took her life. The decision was made between Leah and I that we would both play in the final as my mum would never forgive either of us if we didn't play. Scoring the goal in the final and being able to honour my mum is a feeling I will never forget, Leah and I are still absolutely destroyed over the loss of my mum. As much as she was my mum, she was still Leah's family too and we both needed time to process this loss and grieve. We're going to be setting up a charity in her name to help under privileged young girls get into football, mum wasn't always the most supportive of my choice of sport as it wasn't the most girly, however once shed seen the joy it gave me she was my biggest supporter and was even at every game leading up to the euros final. My mum was my best friend and Leah and I are going to miss her so much. We want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support its meant so much to us. Mum we will love you forever and miss you always, rest easy. Jayde and Leah x'

'So you're happy with that statement le?'

'Of course baby, we did it together. Ill post it to my socials as well as a joint statement from the two of us.'

'Okay baby, I love you.' I say kissing her forehead and getting up.

'I love you too, where are you going?' She asks holding my hand,

'I'm gonna make us some dinner babe, unless you want to get a takeaway.'

She pulls me back down to the sofa, 'I want you to stay cuddled up to me, so takeaway. If you cook then you're gonna leave me for at least an hour to cook, and I want cuddles right now.' I lean down to kiss her, 'okay, well get a takeaway.'

Leah and I had arranged to go back to the fertility doctor today and we were going to start trying for a baby, this meant I had to start taking hormone treatments, which meant Leah got to stab me in the ass with a needle every day, and then the doctor can do the first attempt next week. The doctors given us the stuff we need for the treatments and then lets us go home. 'Le?' I ask once were settled down back at home.

'Yes my love.'

'Do you want to do the honours of sticking a needle in my ass?' I ask holding her hand.

'Oh baby I thought you'd never ask.' She replies. I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her waist.

'Let's start our family.'

'Let's do it.' I kiss her and she starts giggling And then gets the needle out and the medicine measures the dose and sticks it in my ass cheek. 'Ow that stings.' I yelp out rubbing where shed just injected me.

'I cant lie that was very satisfying to do.' She says laughing

'Yeah well you just wait I'm gonna find an excuse to stick something in your ass an then you see how it feels.' I take a minute and stop, realising what I've just said. Leah gives me a look and I just huff 'don't be so dirty minded Leah.'

A week later were headed back to the fertility clinic for the first attempt, we were both so excited but also really nervous. They did everything they needed to do and discharged me saying id need to come back in three weeks for tests, but we could do a test at home after two weeks. I was really tired heading home, I mean technically I've just had a minor surgical procedure so I'm going to be drowsy. Leah is driving, I'm not allowed to because of the anaesthesia I'm not loopy I'm just tired and Leah's helping with that. 'Le can you carry me?' I ask my bottom lip dropping.

'Aww baby of course.'

She came round to my side of the car, picked me up and carried me up to bed, she went to leave 'le please don't leave me.' I whimper out quietly.

'I promise ill be back in two minutes I just need to get something from downstairs.' She leant down and gently kissed my forehead, I curled into a ball and just laid there waiting to come back, I started to feel emotional all of a sudden most likely from the hormones I've had injected in me for the past week. Leah came back upstairs with snacks and some hot chocolate. She placed my one down on the side next to me 'I brought hot chocolate babe.' She said, 'thank you.' I sniffled. She laid on the bed facing me rubbing my side, 'what's wrong?'

'I don't know' I cried out, 'its all these stupid hormones, they keep making me cry.'

'Ohhh baby, it will al be worth it though wont it.'

'Will it? It might not even work this time and ill end up with my emotions constantly in a mess.' I cry even louder at this point which makes arlo howl and jump on the bed with us. 'I'm fine arlo, its okay.' I say stroking him as he flops down in between my legs with his head on my stomach, this boy has no sense of personal space honestly.

'Whether it works or not baby, we would've tried and we can try again. I love you so much' this makes me cry even more. 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you.' She says her face dropping.

'It's not your fault, your just so sweet I don't deserve you.' Leah starts laughing at my constant changes in emotional state. 'It's not funny le.' I say getting annoyed now.

'It is a little bit funny.' She replied.

'You wont be finding it funny when its your bloody turn.' I felt a bit bad after that one so I leaned over to kiss her, 'I'm sorry le.' She kissed me back replying, 'its okay its not your fault.'

That kiss made me want more, I got arlo of the bed and laid on top of Leah kissing her, 'uhhh Jayde.'

'Mhmm' I hum kissing her neck,

'You were crying like thirty seconds ago.' She says.

'Uh huh and?'

'Just a weird change of direction is all' she says. I kiss her lips and say 'Leah, just accept the hormone changes baby.'

'Mhmm okay yep.' She replies leaning into the kisses, we don't do anything that night apart from just being together. It what we both needed. Just some time together and that's what we got.

Two weeks later its time for the test. Le and I decided we were going to do it together so on our way home from training we got a few tests from the shop and went home. When we got home I immediately went to the bathroomd did all of the tests took them out to the kitchen side and we sat and waited for the results to come through, once the timer was up I said to le 'you check them, I cant do it.'

'Okay babe, ill check.' She walked over and looked at all three tests. She looked up at me and smiled, 'what does that smile mean le? I need actual words.' She walked over and kissed me, 'were having a baby.' She said smiling, I backed away 'what? Really!'

'Yes baby, were pregnant.'

'Oh my god.' She picked me up and spun me around, 'Leah put me down, I hate being picked up.' She put my down and I just cuddled into her. 'Were having a baby.' I say leaning my head against hers,

'Were having a baby.' She replied.

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