Chapter 43 - Jealousy

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After our announcement yesterday and the night we had had last night, we were both pretty exhausted today but we had to go to the British vogue awards tonight, we wanted to go as a couple but were told that as Leah was the captain the media wanted to talk to her by herself, she had become a national sweetheart as well so all of the gross old men wanted photos of her all dressed up, this meant that I couldn't walk the red carpet with my wife and instead was walking with Mary and Alex who I absolutely adored but I wanted to be with Leah. 'Le I just don't get why we cant go together.' I sighed frustrated,

'I don't know babe, the agents and media team just think well get a lot more publicity for the team if its me by myself. Something to do with people fantasising me and how I'm apparently seen as one of the most attractive female footballers.' I stand up in a huff,

'Yeah well maybe our media team should actually think about the fact that you are married, and oh I don't known we have twins on the way.' With that I strop out of the room to finish getting ready and Leah just kind of leaves me to it sensing that I need my space, I just don't like the fact that my wife's attractiveness is being used to gain attention for the sport, for one she's too good of a footballer for that and also were married for christs sake.

Once I'm ready I walk downstairs and shout to Leah, 'I'm going now Alex and Mary are here, ill see you at the table.' She comes out the living room and says 'hold on we need to talk about this Jayde.'

'Le I cant right now, I'm frustrated and just need to think. I love you and ill see you once you're done with your interviews.' She nods and I give her a kiss, 'I love you too' I hear her say as I open the door. I get in the car with Mary and Alex and they both look at me puzzled, 'I'm fine just frustrated.' They look at each other and then back at me and Mary asks 'you want to talk about it.' I sigh and say 'it's just this whole thing, the media team saying how as Leah is seen as attractive its better for media attention if she does her interviews alone, its fucking annoying. Were married for fucks sake and have twins on the way, did they even think about that for a second before separating us at an awards ceremony.' I huff as I finish my rant to the girls, 'sorry, I just needed to get that out.' I say. Mary takes my hand 'Jayde its okay to be annoyed about it we would too, we are still going to make this as enjoyable as possible even if you cant drink. And Leah will be with us at the table.' I nod and say thank you, we chat for the rest of the car journey to the venue.

Once we get out the car we get photographers taking photos taken of us with the odd shout of 'Jayde where's Leah.' Which irritates me even more, but Mary squeezes my hand and it makes me relax a bit, me and Mary being in the gk union together at England means we have a close friendship and I'm thankful for her being here right now. Once we've finished with our photos we head to the end of the carpet and I see Leah arriving, she looks stunning but then she always does. She's wearing a suit, she feels more comfortable in a suit we both do. She makes her way down the carpet stopping for interviews but there's one which really winds me up. Amelia dims, she has a habit of flirting with the people she interviews and I just know she's going to with Leah, I'm watching them I cant hear what they're saying but Amelia just touched Leah's arm and I already want to throw hands at this woman, who does she think she is. That's my wife! Leah shuffles back a bit but keeps her smile, they're laughing and joking together and it actually makes me want to throw up. I look at Mary and say 'I don't want to watch this anymore lets go sit down.' We both walk to our table together where Alex is already sat and they both order drinks at the bar, when they're at the bar I see Leah walking over. She leans over my chair to kiss me, I pull her into a lustful and wanting kiss shoving my tongue into her mouth, I use her collar to pull her closer and then we hear a cough from Alex. I smirk to myself and pull away, Leah looks at me dumbfounded and I can see the three of them looking at each other confused. I just say nothing, all three of them sit down and Leah pulls her chair closer to mine whispering in my ear, 'what was that all about.' I lean in and bite her ear saying 'just showing people that you're mine.'

I rest my hand on Leah's thigh and she just continues to stare at me unsure of what's going on for about another fifteen minutes eventually joining in the conversation, 'I'm going to get a drink baby do you want anything?' She asks,

'Just a lemonade please.' I pull her in for another long kiss before she goes to the bar, Alex and Mary look at me and I just say 'what?' They both laugh and Mary says 'seems like you're jealous Jayde.' I scoff and say 'yeah well maybe people shouldn't be flirting with my wife.' The both of them are laughing at me and then carry on with the conversation they're having until they see me staring at Leah talking with someone at the bar, I don't know who it is but she is getting way to close to Leah for my liking, she's giggling with Leah and then places her hand on Leah's arm that's resting on the bar, this makes my blood boil. 'How many people are going to touch my wife tonight.' I moan to Alex and Mary, they both just look at me neither of them sure of what to say. Leah shifted her arm back as a way of telling this girl to back off, the girl however does not get the memo, and bearing in mind me Mary and Alex are all watching this unfold, leans in to kiss Leah who immediately backs away. I could not be angrier or more jealous right now, my eyes might as well be green. I turn away and stare at the stage as Leah walks back over, Mary and Alex's jaws are still on the floor though neither of them dare to say anything to me right now.

Pregnancy hormones really do not help in this situation as they just make every emotion ten times more heightened, so the normal level of jealousy that I would be feeling right now is at an all time high. Leah comes back over and sits down next to me, she doesn't say anything just holds my hand, I think she knows that I don't want to talk right now and it's a good job she doesn't say anything because although I'm not mad at her, I am very angry right now and do not want to blow up at her. Leah has to go up and make a speech but before she walks up, knowing full well that there's cameras on her she leans down and gives me a kiss and winks at me. She didn't have to do that, knowing the advice the media team gave her but she did it anyway. 'I am so grateful to have been invited here tonight to talk to all of you and well pretty much the world about this amazing cause that's being pushed forward by tonight's event. Football for me and so many others is more than just a game, its peace. When I am on the football field my mind is completely clear, its one of the only times where I feel truly peaceful. I wouldn't be up here right now if it wasn't for a group of people that helped me get here, one of them being my amazing wife Jayde, who is here tonight not only to support me but as one of the amazing footballers who are part of this movement. She was recently sidelined with an acl injury, which is one of the many reasons this movement is so important, we need to do more to understand and help prevent these types of injuries that have affected so many footballers, women's footballers especially. The epidemic of acl injuries has become a very real and frightening thing in the past year in women's football, my wife was a fortunate enough to make her return before the euros however many players miss out on big moments like that due to injury and its important we do everything we can to research and prevent it. I am very thankful to my wife, who is here tonight sober I might add as she is pregnant with our twins. She is my absolute world and puts up with so much, especially with the added attention on me due to being the national team captain, she is a saint and I love her very much. Thank you to everyone for being here and helping a very important cause, hopefully in the coming years we can make some important change.'

I was not expecting that speech from Leah, I knew she was going to talk about acl injuries, as beth and viv had done theirs and I did mine not that long ago, but I didn't realise that she was going to talk about me. The whole room claps and Leah gets a standing ovation. I'm still mad about the interview and that girl, but the smile she gives me when she walks back to our table just melts that all away. She kisses me and we sit down holding hands, we sit for the rest of the event with my head on Leah's shoulder and her occasionally kissing my forehead. She really is the best wife I could've asked for. Even if her hotness meant that every person in every room wanted to have her.

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