Chapter 29 - Moving day

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It's been a week and today is officially moving day, I wake up and look over at Leah she's beaming up at me already, 'why didn't you wake me?' I ask groaning and shifting my body. 'I've been enjoying watching you sleep,' she says leaning up to kiss me. 'Bit stalkerish but okay.' She slaps my arm and says 'hey! I cant be your stalker because were engaged dummy.' I move up the bed a bit to rest against the headboard 'uh huh whatever you say you little psycho.' She laughs and just says 'whatever'. 'Hey le' I say. 'Yes Jayde.' She replies. 'Guess what. 'What' 'were moving today.' She pretends to act confused 'oh was that today, I must have forgot I made plans with my mistress.' I push her away from me and go 'whatever then so you'll stalk me in the morning and then run off with your mistress for lunch time.' She jumps on top of me and I make an oof sort of sound. 'I'm sorryyy.' She says 'I was only joking you're my one and only love baby, forever and always.' I lean up and kiss her. 'I cant wait for the first step of our life together.' I say. 'Me either baby, me either.' She replies.

A few hours later we finish loading up the first moving van with most of the stuff, in the van is mainly the furniture from the house, but the tv's and all of our electronics are in there too. That van heads off to the new house and we start loading up the next moving van which is pretty much everything else in the van both of the dads went with the first moving truck as its heavier stuff and I am apparently not allowed to carry anything heavy. 'Le I just want to help let me help.' I sigh annoyed. 'Jayde how many times have we been over this, you're still not back to one hundred percent, you cant lift anything heavy were not risking damaging your recovery.' I huff and say 'fine but I'm cooking all of the dinner later, me by myself.' Leah wraps her arms around my waist from behind and rests her head on my shoulder. 'Okay my love whatever you say.' She kisses my neck and goes back to carrying boxes to the car. They only let me carry things like bedding and stuff that's like literally not heavy at all, which is really annoying but I know its coming from a good place.

Once the final van is loaded we all head over to the new house Leah and I driving in our separate cars, as we needed to get both cars over to the house although we do normally drive everywhere together. Once we get to the new house, we all work together in the rooms to get all of the furniture built back up Leah and I decide where we want to put everything and everyone helps us rearrange everything, me once again not being allowed to help which is really starting to piss me off as this is supposed to be an experience for both me and Leah but I cant do anything because of this stupid injury. I can feel myself starting to get more and more irritated so I excuse myself out to the garden.

I'm sitting on the steps outside when I hear the door open and shut I think its Leah so I say 'le please I really just want to be by myself right now.' When I hear my dad say 'not Leah, but I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what's happening.' He comes and sits next to me. 'Dad honestly I'm fine I just need a minute.' 'It's because leahs not letting you help isn't it?' He says and I just nod. 'She only wants to make sure you're not going to get hurt Jayde its coming from a place of love.' I nod. 'I know dad, its not Leah I'm annoyed at its just the situation. This is supposed to be such a great day for me and le and I cant do anything at all because of this stupid injury. And what makes it worse is that I'm fine, like I'm absolutely fine but leahs right, if I lift something too heavy I could risk pushing my recovery back and it sucks.' 'Feel better now?' He asks. 'Yes dad thank you for letting me vent.' He pulls me up 'I knew that you just needed to vent to someone that isn't Leah for once.' We head back inside and I hug Leah from beside whispering in her ear 'I love you.' She turns around in my arms and whispers back 'I know baby, I know its hard and I love you too.' I kiss her and we get back to sorting the house out. She knew what I needed and she let me have that moment with my dad because she knew that I needed to vent about something, but she also knew that I didn't need to talk about it with her.

Once the house was set up it was getting really late, so we ordered a takeaway Leah and I obviously paid as a thank you for helping us move. 'We haven't got any beds for the spare rooms yet but we do have two double beds in two rooms that you guys can sleep in and Leah and I can sleep on the airbed in one of the other rooms.' I say to all four of our parents. All of our parents ask if were sure and leah says 'you guys its eleven o'clock at night there's no way were letting you drive home now and there's no way were making you sleep on the airbed. We may not have enough beds but there's enough bedding for all of us. You guys can stay on our beds and well sleep on the airbeds and you can all drive home at lunch tomorrow.' They all agree to stay and we get everyone set up and all head to bed, once they all head to bed Leah and I go to the spare room the air mattress is set up in and go to bed ourselves.

Once we're in bed Leah asks 'so do you want to talk about what happened earlier or did you not want to?' I shift and pull Leah on to me so her head is laying on my chest. 'I was just getting frustrated at not being able to help and part of that frustration was being aimed towards you without me meaning too. I was not at all angry with you, I was just annoyed that because of my injury I wasn't able to help with what was supposed to be one of the most amazing days of our lives and I couldn't help. However my dad just let me vent and I got out my frustrations and was able to come back in and be okay again.' I finish talking and Leah leans up to kiss me, 'I knew you were upset but didn't want to push you to get you to talk about it so that's why I let your dad come and talk it out with you.' I smiled at her and said 'thank you for recognising what I needed before I could.' 'I will always help you when you need it baby.' She smiles up at me. 'I love you le.' I say. 'I love you too my love.' She replies.

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