Chapter 49 - Final Preparations

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With most babies you get given a due date but you never actually know when the baby is gonna come it could be on the day it could be late and it could be early. It's different with twins, with twins a lot of the time its risky to carry to full term so they give you a set date and they induce labour, that way if anything goes wrong they can be ready to perform a c-section if needed. So that's what's happening, in two days time Leah and I are going to the hospital and they are going to induce me into labour and we are going to have our baby boys. The next couple of days are all about Leah and I getting everything in the house ready to go and making sure we are ready for our two perfect boys.

Today is all about building the baby's room, to start of with though Leah is building the cribs that are going to be in our room until the boys are old enough. Leah's parents and my dad are all here to help considering that im heavily pregnant and cant really do anything. I'm pretty much on bed rest at this point so Leah is currently sat on the floor in our room with our dads and Amanda is sat on the bed next to me. We're both laughing at the three on the floor arguing over how to build the cribs, 'no dad I think that that bit attaches there, look it fits perfectly.' Leah huffs out at her dad, 'actually I think your dad might be right you know, just because it fits perfectly doesn't mean it goes together.' My dad chimes in, 'exactly thank you.' David exclaims, 'guys do you not just think using the instructions would be better?' I ask, as if something out of a movie they all turn and say 'no' at the exact same time. 'Fine you do what you want but don't come crying to me when in two hours time you still haven't built anything.'

After a while Amanda and I got bored of watching the bicker over how to build them so we headed downstairs and chatted on the sofa. 'How are you coping with everything?' She asks me from across the sofa, 'I mean its annoying just laying in bed all day but Leah's been amazing through it all.' Amanda gives me a soft caring look before saying, 'that's not what I meant darling, I meant how are you coping with all of this and not having your mum here for it.' My heart sinks thinking about my mum, I knew sooner or later I was going to have to talk about it, I just wasn't sure if I was ready for it. 'Leah has known for weeks that something was wrong, shes asked me a few times about it but I just don't know what to say. I don't want to ruin this for her and for you guys. I miss her so much, we never had an affectionate relationship, we never hugged rarely said I love you to each other, but we did obviously shes my mum you know. It's killing me that shes not here for her grand babies. She wont get to see me be a mum.' I feel myself start to choke up, 'shes not going to see them grow up, and me with them.' I take a pause before chuckling, 'you know she used to yell at me and then follow it with, "one day when you have kids you'll understand how much of a pain in my ass you are" and now shes not going to be around to witness the boys being a pain in my ass.'

Amanda hugs me from the side, 'oh darling I know im sorry, I know im not your mum and I would never try to replace her, but I am just as much a mother for you as I am Leah and if you ever need to talk im always here for you.' I wipe the tears from my eyes, and smile at her. 'I know thank you.' She squeezes my shoulders, 'and for the record, I think you should talk to Leah. This is not going to ruin anything to her, if anything shell be glad you told her so she can help you through this shell want to help you through this, this is going to be one of th happiest moments of your lives, share your pain with her its what shes here for.'

A little while later Amanda and I head back upstairs to see that they have finished building the cribs, Leah attaches herself to my side 'wow baby they look amazing.' I say giving her a peck on the lips. 'Have you been crying?' She whispers into my ear, 'ill tell you about it later baby, but im okay I promise. I love you.' I tell her. 'I love you too.' She responds kissing my forehead. We all head into the baby room and Leah and the others start painting the walls whilst I sit on a chair and paint a little corner. 'Having fun over there babe?' Leah asks laughing at me, 'yes actually Leah, im excited that you are actually letting me do something for once.' I jab back smirking at her, she gives me a look from across the room. 'Look who's got attitude now.' She says staring at me, we hold each others gaze and in my peripheral I can see Amanda, David and my dad looking between themselves not knowing what to say. I raise my eyebrow and Leah smirks, next thing you know she walks over and flicks me with some paint. 'Leah oh my god seriously you couldn't win the stare down so you resorted to flicking me with paint. I love this t shirt god damn it'. I stand up and flick my paint brush at her, by the time we are finished the other three have ran out of the room to avoid getting covered in paint and Leah and I are covered. She comes up to me and I wrap my arms around her shoulders. 'I love you.' I say kissing her, 'I love you more.' She replies.

We head downstairs to find the other three chatting on the sofa, 'are you two finally done with your little fight?' Amanda asks, as Leah pulls me into her side and kisses my head, 'yep we are.' Leah responds.

After a couple more hours of painting the parents all head of home and Leah and I relax on the sofa, having changed out of our paint covered clothes. 'So you wanna talk to me about what happened earlier?' She asks running her hand across my leg. 'Um yeah, look Leah I didn't want to ruin all of this. I didn't want to talk to you because I want you to enjoy these moments.' She turns the tv off and shifts closer to me holding my hand, 'you can tell me anything baby and its never going to ruin any of this to me. Talk to me baby.' She rubs her thumb across my hand, 'I miss my mum Leah, so much. So much its killing me, shes never going to see the boys grow up, shes not going to be in the delivery room with us.' I start to sob, 'shes not going to see me become a mother le. She's the reason im going to be a damn good mother le and shes not going to be around to see it happen.' She pulls me in to her side and rubs my shoulder, 'oh baby, im so sorry. I wish you'd have told me this earlier I could have helped you deal with it. I know I cant understand what you're going through but I can still try and be there for you in every way I can be.' I cuddle more into her side and after some time my sobs subside. 'Thank you le.' I mumble into her neck. 'For better or for worse baby, I said those vows and I meant them. I love you.' She kisses my forehead, 'I love you too so much.' We head off to bed after a long and emotionally taxing day, I snuggle into Leah's side and immediately fall asleep.

It's now the day before I get induced and Leah and I have to spend the day organising everything ready for tomorrow Arlo is going to Beth and Vivs and he is going to stay with them for the first couple of weeks after the babies are born, just so Leah and I can settle into life with the twins without having Arlo bounding around. So today were just going to pack the bags ready for the hospital Leah will most likely staying with me in the hospital the night after they're born. Leah is also going to put the baby seats in the car ready so we don't have to stress about it tomorrow and then were just going to relax for the day.

Right now Leah is trying to clip the car seats into the car whilst im just watching, she's getting increasingly frustrated as it wont clip in, 'Le are you sure you don't want any help?' I ask with a smile on my face, 'nope baby, I am going to do this all by myself, I am a big strong mumma bear.' I giggle at that, 'so is the big mumma bear going to give me cuddles later, as tomorrow im probably going to end up breaking your hand.' She turns around and gives me a look, 'are you done teasing me now?' She questions, 'well I cant exactly not tease you when my hot wife is bending over in front of me now can i?' She turns back away from me and finally clips the car seat in, 'yes I got it! Now just let me check, im currently clipping the car seat in for our babies and you are once again ogling my body.' She turns around to face me again and leans against the car, I move up to her and push my knee in between her thighs, 'yup.' I reply popping the "P" and then backing away from her leaving her flustered. 'Umm right yeah the other car seat . She clips the other one in practically straight away and then we head back in the house and sort the hospital bag out.

'Right so what do we need?' She asks dumping the bag on the bed, 'we need clothes. I refuse to sleep in those ugly hospital gowns so I want my comfy fluffy maternity pjs we need nappies, toothbrushes my aftershave just because im giving birth does not mean I don't need to not smell good, and anything else you need baby.' She nods and runs around the house getting all of the things and putting them in the bag, then she flops down on the bed with me.

We lay down together for our last time laying down together as just a family of two. We put on Mamma Mia as its now both of our favourite films and just lay in each others arms. 'I cant wait to be a family of four le. I love you so much.' She kisses my forehead and rubs her hand up and down my arm. 'Tomorrow baby our family is going to be double the size, were going to have two little baby boys, that are gonna be mini versions of us and that is so fucking cool. Thank you for carrying the babies. I love you so goddamn much my love.'

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