Chapter 39 - Heartbreak and success

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A/N I am so sorry this had to be done, it will make sense in the long run

Today is the day, today is the day we could become European champions. Something no English team, men or women's has ever done before. We are all super excited but super nervous at the same time. Whether we win or lose we've done the country proud and we've given our everything in this competition. Now its time for one last push. My mum and dad have been to every game so far, they've come with Leah's parents to support us and were so grateful for it. I've got a bad feeling in my stomach today though, ita not nerves its something else and my parents haven't contacted me yet to let me know they're on their way or that their with David and Amanda. Normally they do message me before now as well I'm starting to get worried but Leah reassured me saying they probably just forgot to text. We're getting ready to leave to go to Wembley when my phone rings, its my dad. I separate from the group in the lobby to answer it Leah stands nearby but lets me have my space to talk to my dad.

'Hey dad are you guys on your way yet?'

There's no response just a sniffle and a deep breath being taken on the other end.

'Dad?' I question

'Sweetie, I'm so sorry.'

'Sorry for what dad? What's happened? Is everything okay?' Leah can sense something is wrong so she comes and stands next to me.

'It's your mum darling, she had an accident this morning and was taken to hospital but they couldn't save her. She died on arrival to the hospital.'

Everything goes numb, I cant hear anything I drop my phone and just drop to my knees. I think Leah's trying to talk to me but I don't know what she's saying I don't care, I just want my mum. I need my mum. I can see Leah picking up my phone, she's probably going to talk to dad. About thirty seconds later she's on her knees with me and just wraps me into a hug. I let it all out and just sob into her. I can see the staff ushering the girls outside saying to give us some space. Leah refuses to leave my side, I cant speak I have no words. There's just a nothingness, an empty hole. I don't even realise Sarinas next to us until I feel a hand rubbing my back, Leah's told her.

I can hear them talking. 'Jayde, there is no way you have to play today not at all, go and be with your family.

'I uhhh ... I um I need to play.' I whimper out. 'If I didn't play my mum would kill me, I have to play this game and I have to win this for her.'

Leah cries into me, this is affecting her too, of course why wouldn't it it was her mother in law. Her and Leah were close.

Leah and Sarina pick me up and walk me to the bus, I just sit and crawl into a ball into Leah. The other girls are all confused but we don't need to talk about it on the bus ill tell them when we get there, they need to know that I need to win this, I have to win this now and I need everything from them to win this game. For my mummy.

Once we get to the grounds we go into the changing room and I ask Leah to get everyone's attention. 'Girls please, everyone come join in a circle please, we have something we need to tell you guys.' The girls all come and huddle with us, were all ready to go into our kit, but I need to tell them now. 'Right yeah okay. Umm so I um got a phone call from my dad earlier.' I have to cough to clear my throat because I csn feel the tears welling up already, 'my mum was in an accident this morning and unfortunately passed away not too long ago.' I can see all of the girls faces drop and the sympathy looks. 'Please for now, don't tell me your sorry or anything like that, the only way I'm gonna get through this game is by pushing through. I have one thing to ask of you all today and that is fucking win it. Win every tackle, every ball, everything. I would give all of this up to be with my family right now but they would all kill me for leaving and not playing. But I need to win this, I need this to not be for nothing. Please girls please, put your everything into this game.' They're all nodding, there's an increased sense of pure desire in the room and the Leah speaks up. 'Let's do this girls, lets do this for Jayde, her mum and my mother in law, but also someone we all grew to know and love. Every tackle and every pass is for her. Now lets go out there and fucking win this.'

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