Chapter 24 - Surgery

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Today is the day of my surgery and I cant lie I am shitting it, Jonas has given leah the day off so she can be by my side. She's taking me to taking me back home after. We got up this morning and obviously I cant eat or drink today because of the surgery, leah tries to not eat too out of solidarity but I force her to eat. Just because I've got to suffere doesn't mean that she should too, she just laughs at this because she knows how much I love my food. We pretty much spend the time that we do have cuddled up on the sofa, just watching tv until we had to leave.

The journey to the hospital was quite calm leah held my hand the entire way there, reassuring me that she was not going to leave my side, not for one second. 'Leah you do realise you cant be in the operating room right?' I ask laughing. 'Yes babe I know but that doesn't mean I cant be ther waiting the second you come out of surgery.' I laughed again 'so what you mean is you're going to be my literal stalker today?' She nodded 'mhmm absolutely I am not leaving your side.' The rest of the drive we sat in sort of comfortable silence, I think leah knew I needed some time to think as she knew I was absolutely terrified of going under anaesthesia.

Once we got to the hospital I was set up in a private room, arsenal had paid for private medical car seeing as I was literally a professional footballer, leah quite literally did not leg go of my hand the entire time they were getting me ready. They put me under anaesthesia in the room with leah and the last thing I remember was leah kissing my forehead.

I woke up back in the same room before but felt seriously spaced out, I was clearly dosed up on painkillers. I look down to my right and leah had her head knelt on my stomach and was still holding my hand. The doctor walked in and said 'hey look who's awake' leah shot up not realising that id woken up, but to be fair I had literally just woken up. The doctor explained that the surgery went as well as it could and everything Is back the way it should be. He said 'I trust that your fiancé is going to take good care of you.' I nodded slowly like a child saying 'yeahhh doc I have the best fiancé in the whole. Wide. World.' Leah laughed and the doctor smiled and left the room after explaining that I needed monitoring for another hour or so but after that we were free to go. That hour and a half consisted of me talking absolute shit and leah just laughing at me because I was basically just high. 'Hey le.' I whispered. 'Yes baby' she replied. 'Whatever drugs they've got me on I want more this is so fun heheh' leah just looked at me and laughed. 'I'm sure they'll give you something to take home my love.'

After the doctor came back and said I was free to go, I was put in a wheelchair and pushed by a nurse whilst leah carried my crutches, little did I know leah had taken a photo of me in the wheelchair and posted it to her instagram saying 'this ones a little loopy following her surgery.' Once we got to the car both the nurse and leah helped me in and after plugging my seatbelt in leah thanked the nurse and shut my door. I was back in the brace for now but it could come off in about two weeks once my knee had healed a bit better from the surgery. Leah got in the car and took my hand, which made me smile its normal for us but I was still on the drugs at this point so anything made me happy. The journey home, leah continued having to listen to me ramble on about any random thing that came across her mind. When we got home I attempted to open the door by myself but was quickly stopped by leah saying 'don't you even think about it.' I sulked back into my seat and waited for her to come up and open the door. Beth came strolling out of the house, obviously to help leah get me out of the car. 'Heyyy its beffy' I shouted pretty much straight into leahs air making her jump which made beth laugh. 'Hey Jayde how you feeling'. 'I feel fucking fantastic beffy, you know they've got some amazing drugs in the hospital, im having a great time.' I attempted to whisper the next part but it ended up being a shouty whisper 'I think im annoying leah, I keep talking her ear off.' Leah having obviously heard it because well I didn't say it quietly kissed my cheek and said 'talk as much as you want baby.'

It took them a while but beth and leah managed to get me out of the car and into the house. They set me down on the corner sofa and propped my knee up on the special cushion the hospital provided and then leah went back to the car to get the crutches. Once she was inside her and beth went to go make some food for me and also make some teas. They came and sat in the living room with me and leah gave me my food and tea and then took her seat next to me. Beth sat across from us on the other sofa and told us that Viv and katie were going to come around later for a movie night. Secretly I think that they're just coming so leah doesn't have to deal with me alone whilst im still all loopy and on the drugs. I have the best friends.

Halfway through a mouthful of food I pipe up. 'Leahhh' I say dragging the word out. She looked over at me and said 'yes baby girl'. 'Can we watch mamma mia please?' I ask using my best puppy eyes. 'Of course baby' she replied. She got up to get the tv remote and then sat back down next me on the sofa. About halfway Viv and katie turned up. 'Vivvyyy, katieee.' I shouted. They both seemed shocked at my reaction and laughed a bit but came and gave me a hug anyway, they both sat on the sofa with beth when I said. 'Well I guess we gotta start the movie all over again now' and giggled to myself. Leah rolled her eyes and laughed at me but started the movie again anyway.

They all stayed for mamma mia and then I made them stay for mamma mia 2 as well and but this point everyone was exhausted and ready for bed, leah offered to let them all stay as well had enough bedrooms and they all agreed to stay. Again I think mainly to help leah get me up the stairs it was a joint effort really leah carried me like a baby backwards up the stairs katie guided leah backwards and beth and Viv made sure that I didn't whack my leg on anything as we were going up. Leah carried me to our room by herself once we were up the stairs and managed to get me into bed and tucked in once shed tucked me in, she kissed me goodnight and we drifted off to sleep.

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