Sweeter Than Hot Chocolate (Christmas Special)

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, quick heads-up: This one gets EXTREMELY M rated and spicy towards the end of this. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵

Do I even need to tell you why?

I didn't think so.

Enjoy, bitches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah yes, that wonderful time of year was quickly approaching the town of Sulphur Springs, Louisiana. The year was 2026, and Christmas was right around the corner. Everywhere you looked, there were decorations and lights strung up all over the street lights, lampposts, exteriors of buildings, and even a few mailboxes as families were spending time with one another and tried to not get caught up in the craziness that always came with the season and somehow stressed parents out.

The Campbell and Dunn clans were especially excited for the impending arrival of the joyous holiday. As they got the Tremont hotel ready for the seasonal festivities, they were also working around the clock to please guests who had come down to see family they had in Sulphur Springs, which meant that business at the hotel had just been booming lately. Thankfully, however, things at the hotel seemed to be really quiet the past couple of nights, which was good news to 17-year-old Zoey Campbell.

Why, you ask? Simple. She was almost seven months pregnant. Yes, you read that right. She was pregnant. And if you knew just how much she and her boyfriend, Topher Dunn, loved each other, then I don't think I need to explain any further.

Anyways, there was snow gently falling down onto the ground, and the stars and moon were out, which made for a pretty picture-perfect December night as she sat at her desk the best she could with her large pregnant belly and did some math homework when her stomach rumbled and she felt one or both of her twin babies kick her stomach.

"Lemme guess, you guys want to snack on some of Mom's Christmas cookies?" she asked jokingly as she rubbed her stomach affectionately, and was met with another kick in response.

"Okay, then. Let's go," she said with a wide smile on her face as she scooted away from her desk, stood up and stretched before she left her bedroom to go downstairs and find a Christmas goodie to satisfy her latest craving. She didn't even know what she wanted. She was just hungry.

"No, no, no! It has to go this way!!! No, towards the window, Dad! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?!" came the annoyed voice of her twin brother, Wyatt, as he attempted to instruct their father, Ben, on which way to place the large Christmas tree in the parlor.

She chuckled. Ever since she and Wyatt had turned 14, they had decided to help Ben with setting up the tree for Christmas, and every year since then, it had always somehow ended up in disaster. And now that she was pregnant, she had decided to stay out of their way this year, and after she had just heard Wyatt barking orders, she was beginning to wonder if that was really the smartest decision to make, even with her "screwy, always-horny-or-hungry pregnancy brain," as Wyatt had jokingly called it once.

As she walked through the lobby, and passed her mom, Sarah, making her way over to help Ben and Wyatt in the parlor, she saw Harper pulling Griffin back upstairs by the hand with a tired look on her face, and she figured that they had just gotten it on for the hundredth time that week and simply rolled her eyes. They could never stop getting handsy with one another, and even if they were supposed to be doing something else, the time they spent alone almost always turned into a make-out sesh of some sort. And yet, ironically, she had been the one to fall pregnant, and not Harper.

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now