Chapter 6

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„Shit.. Yo, he's back" JJ grabs Rosa's hand while Sarah looks out of the window „Do we run?" she looks over at Cleo, who shakes her head „Split and hide around the house..."

Sarah and Rosa hide on the porch behind a wall, JJ and John B hide in the living room and Pope and Cleo hide in the kitchen.

Rosa looks after Portis as he disappears in the house, Sarah nods „Okay go to the other side of the door.." Rosa looks at her and shakes her head „What no... you go to the other side, what if he sees me?" Sarah looks at her confused „Yeah but what if he sees me?"

Rosa shakes her head „No stop I said that first. Go to the other side" Rosa grabs Sarah's arm and wants to pull her further to the other side causing Sarah to grab both of Rosa's arms „Stop" she hisses and tries to push Rosa to the other side. Rosa clings onto her „Sarah stop it! You're acting like a fucking child.." Sarah looks at her „No you are acting like a child plus you have the height of a child so move your ass to the other side." Rosa looks at her with her mouth open „Don't you dare start making jokes about my height too" she warningly holds her finger up.

John B storms out of the living room and pushes Portis in Popes direction. Pope run out of the kitchen and wraps his arm around Portis neck. John B run over to the two bit before he can reach Portis, he kicks John B in his stomach making him bang against the wall. John B groans while Portis pushes his elbow into Popes stomach before he throws him on the ground.

Sarah looks at Rosa seriously „Move to the other side, right now!" with those words Sarah pushes Rosa to the other side but before Rosa can get there, Portis runs out of the house and right into Rosa causing the two of them to fall to the ground, Rosa laying on top of Portis. She stares at him shocked „I got him" she immediately screams and tries to hold him down, which isn't that easy since he weights at least twice as much as she does and he's also much stronger.

Just as he pushes Rosa off himself, JJ and John B run out of the house. JJ grabs Portis by his collar „Get up!" John B helps Rosa up and grins „Good job." Rosa grins and turns to Sarah, who shows her her middle finger. Cleo runs out of the house as well and pulls her knife out of her pocket, Portis looks at JJ and Cleo  „Okay, okay."

„Sit down" JJ presses him against the table while Cleo holds the knife in front of his throat. Portis presses his lips together and grunts „You guys really shouldn't be here right now." JJ just stares at him angrily „Where is she Jimmy?" When he doesn't answer Cleo glares at him „Answer the man!" she holds the knife closer to his skin and Portis looks at the two „You really don't wanna know.."

Sarah walks over to him and presses a bottle against his chin and pushes his head back „Talk." Portis closes his eyes angrily and Sarah looks at him „Who took her?" Rosa snorts at the sight of her best friend pressing a bottle of hot sauce against a man's chin. John B nudges her so she keeps quiet. Sarah doesn't take her eyes off him „Was it Ward?" Portis laughs „Ward? Who's Ward?" he looks at her while Sarah looks away confused.

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