Chapter 23

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JJ and John B took Rosa home since she has to go to this party Kie's parents are throwing

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JJ and John B took Rosa home since she has to go to this party Kie's parents are throwing. After a long discussion with her parents about the cut on Rosa's cheek, she put on a beige dress and went with her parents, Sam and Sarah to the party.

She walks past the band, that is playing, towards Kie and Sarah while she takes a sip out of the glass of wine she just got herself.

„Are you kidding me, Sarah? That doesn't even make sense" Kie says causing Rosa to look at them „The thing with Ward?" Sarah already told her as soon as Rosa arrived back home cause she was waiting all day for her.

„Yeah" Sarah nods while Kie looks at her „Ward's on this island? Like, the same island we are on, Sarah?" Rosa takes another sip from the wine and looks over at her parents who are talking to Mike and Anna. Sarah just nods „Yes. He's back. Mh-hmm." Kie sighs and looks down „the second I see him, I'm turning him in, I swear. I don't know how you do it. Every time I wanna complain about my dad, I just think about your dad" Kie says with her eyebrows drawn together causing Sarah to raise her eyebrows „Oh, glad to be of service" she says ironically while Kie nods „Works every time." Sarah puts her hands on the table „I'm glad I could help" she laughs slightly while Rosa just stares at Kie as that's a kinda fucked up thing to say. „It's great" Kie says but Sarah looks past her causing Rosa to follow her gaze. She immediately gags when she sees Topper „Eww."

Sarah smiles at Topper before she looks back at Kie and her smile disappears „You didn't tell me Topper was gonna be here" she whispers causing Kie to look at him for a second „Sorry. My mom invited like the whole island." Rosa looks at Sarah, who just stares away „shit." Kie looks at him for a second and shakes her head „It's not a big deal." Sarah turns around „shit."

Rosa looks at her „Don't worry, I'll keep him away" she puts her hand on Sarahs back and strokes it slightly before her eyes get caught on JJ and John B, who tie the HSM Pogue to the dock. She slightly shakes her head cause she knows that these two will bring trouble like always.

„Here's the game plan, get the girls, go find Pope and Cleo, get down to South America as soon as possible. Cool?" John B says while he gets out of the boat, JJ looks at him „Seems a bit vague, I gotta say, John B. Also, I don't got a passport, dog." John B just shrugs „Hey, look, don't bore me with the details, all right? We'll figure that out later." JJ turns around and watches his girlfriend causing John B to whistle „Hey, look at me." JJ turns around „Yeah." JB nods „Gonna get Sarah. Gonna get Rosa and Kie. Back on the boat, get out of here." JJ just shakes his head „Look. The other day, Rosa and I got in a little discussion about Kie liking me more than a friend, all right? And if I go over there right now and Rosa sees me, talking to Kie, she's gonna knock her out, boom. Mission blown, we can't go down to South America." John B rolls his eyes „Look. Just don't get seen" he pust his hands on JJ's cheeks, JJ just shakes his head cause he knows that Rosa is gonna freak out again „You're right. I'll stay here" he slaps John B's arm.

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