Chapter 28

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Sarah sits on the steps of the airplane and watches her best friend walk back and forth angrily

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Sarah sits on the steps of the airplane and watches her best friend walk back and forth angrily. In the exact moment Sarah wants to say something, Rosa aggressively kicks Sam's bike to the ground. Sarah nods slightly and stays quiet.

Es una estupidez. ¡La perra estúpida está tratando de desenredar a mi novio y es tan estúpido que sigue a esa puta! ¡Mierda! ¡Estúpido coño!" Rosa curses while the others watch her with wide eyes.

Rosa turns around and looks at them „What?!" They all just look away and John B shakes his head „Nothing..." Rosa groans angrily before she takes a deep breath.

She looks down at her phone and sees that her mom is calling her so she walks over to John B „You gonna tell her that I convinced you to talk to the police about your dad being taken to South America." John B looks at her overwhelmed „Your parents know?" Rosa rolls her eyes „Yes and you gonna lie to her understand?! Or else I can't help you find your dad!" she yells at him causing John B to nod „Okay." Rosa answers the phone „Hey mom."

„Hey, Querida. How did it go?"

„Good, John B is with me.. here" she hands John B her phone, who takes it nervously „Hey mom" he smiles.

„Hola mi amor" you can clearly hear that she's smiling.

„I'm sorry we haven't told you guys earlier.. we thought that we could do all of this alone but we gonna head to the police now" he looks at Rosa unsure, who nods at that.

„I'm glad you guys get help.. and I'm so sorry that Singh took your dad. Do you want me to come to the police station?"

„No, we gonna come to yours after we spoke to the police, okay?"

„Okay, love you two."

„Love you too. See you later" he hangs up the phone and hands it to Rosa, who nods „Yeah that was believable." She looks at him „I'm sorry that I yelled at you..." John B smiles at her „It's fine. I understand you" he wraps his arms around her and holds his best friend while a few tears roll down her cheeks.

„It's just fucked up. I know that she loves him, I can see by the way she looks at him and how she acts around him. She is a good friend of mine and still does that shit.. it's fucked up" in her voice you can clearly hear how much it hurts her. John B rests his chin on her head and nods „I know..." he strokes her back while the others watch the two. Sarah slightly smiles at her boyfriend as he looks at her.

„You know what? I'm gonna ask Sam to flirt with her. He's single plus Kie thinks he's hot. Maybe she will leave my boyfriend alone.." Rosa mumbles against his chest, John B laughs at that „That's a good idea" he grins before he wipes away her tears.

„JJ loves you, Rosa. He loves you more than he ever loved anyone before. Whenever he's with me, he won't stop talking about you. And what he does for you, he wouldn't even do for me" he smiles at her and wipes the last tears away „Kie is his best friend, okay? He doesn't love her, he loves you. And it won't change just because he's trying to find her. I promise."

3. Always and forever ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now