Chapter 26

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„Rosi!" John B calls happily as he runs towards the big white building, Rosa stands in front of the door and jumps happily as she sees her best friend running towards the house with a balloon that says Happy fifth birthday

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„Rosi!" John B calls happily as he runs towards the big white building, Rosa stands in front of the door and jumps happily as she sees her best friend running towards the house with a balloon that says Happy fifth birthday. Big John laughs at the two and follows his son, who hugs Rosa „Happy Birthday." Rosa smiles „Thank you. Come on" she grins excitedly „Dad got me an electric car!" John B looks at her with wide eyes before the two run into the house.

Rosa slowly opens the door and heads inside her home, she quietly turns around and closes the door as quiet as she can. After that she stays still for a moment and as soon as she feels safe she wants to quickly jog up the stairs to her room. But before she even reaches the fifth step her mom clears her throat.

Rosa looks to the left at her mom who has her hands on her hips and looks at her daughter. „Get your ass back here" Camila says angrily causing Rosa to sigh and walk down the stairs. „In your dad's office" Camila points to the office, Rosa looks at her „What am I being interrogated or what?" Camila looks at her „¡Rosalia, es suficiente!" she says angrily causing Rosa to walk into her dad's office. She sits down on the chair across from him while Camila sits down next to him.

Rosa looks at her parents and waits for them to start talking, Gabriel sighs and rests his elbows on his desk while he looks at his daughter „Where are JJ and John B?" Rosa presses her lips together for a second „Shoupe arrested John B because of the thing with Topper and JJ is trying to get him out...somehow." Gabriel looks at her and exhales „Shit..." Camila's gaze also softens but she quickly shakes her head „Why were you guys at Rocketfish?"

Rosa looks at her mom „I can't tell you.." Camila scoffs „What do you mean?!" Rosa shakes her head „I'm sorry.. I wish I could tell you but you would just be mad or something..." Camila looks at her „I'm mad anyways!" she says a bit louder causing Gabriel to put his hand on hers „ Tranquilízate" he says calmly.

Rosa looks at her parents „Look, I wish I could tell you but it's not that easy.." Gabriel nods „Mi amor" he takes his daughters hands „You can tell us everything. We are your parents, we wanna help you if you are in trouble." Rosa shakes her head „I promise I'm not in trouble." Camila sighs „Then what is it, Rosí?" she looks at her daughter concerned.

Rosa looks at them in turn and closes her eyes for a few seconds and just as she's about to answer, Sam walks into the office „Dad, there's some client at the door. He says that he has an appointment." Gabriel looks over to his son who is standing at the door. He sighs and nods „Yeah, thank you" he smiles slightly before he looks back at Rosa „What were you going to say?" Rosa just shakes her head „I'll tell you later.." Camila looks at her but before she can say anything, Rosa gets up and heads up to her room as fast as she can.

Camila sighs and closes her eyes causing Gabriel to stroke her back „She's gonna tell us when she's ready to talk about it" he says encouraging. Camila nods „Yes, but I'm taking her keys for her car. I had enough. I don't want her to get hurt" she stands up while Gabriel looks at her „Cariño" he starts but Camila shakes her head „No, Gabriel. Enough is enough" she leaves his office.

3. Always and forever ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now