Chapter 17

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„Maybe he's up on the bridge

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„Maybe he's up on the bridge..." Pope tries to calm Rosa down but she holds her hands in front of her face „No, no, no, no..." she whispers while her cries get more and more intense.

Sarah holds her tighter and looks around helplessly as he's never seen Rosa that hysterically, Topper looks at Rosa „You need to breath Rosa.. come on breath.." he squats down in front of Rosa, who sobs and stares at the ground.

„I wish I could say I did that on purpose, but that was the gnarliest powerslide I've ever done" Rosa immediately looks up as she hears his voice. She pushes Topper away from her and runs towards JJ. She looks at him before she pushes him slightly „Don't ever fucking do this to me again!" she pushes him again while tears stream down her face. JJ looks down at her and holds her wrists before he hugs her tightly. Rosa wraps her arms around him while he holds his girlfriend, who is still shaking and crying.

The others also look at JJ and you can clearly see how relieved everyone is. Pope begins to smile wildly and walks up to the two before he hugs both of them „you're alive!" he laughs and JJ wraps one arm around him while he holds Rosa with his other arm.

„I know, I'm surprised too!" JJ grins slightly unlike Rosa as she was really fucking scared. Topper shakes his head „Shit, that was gnarly!"

„That was trucking, Dude!" JJ calls while Rosa let's go of him. Sarah walks over to him and pushes him too as she was also scared but also cause she saw her best friend literally go mental „Oh Jesus!" JJ takes a step back before Sarah hugs him tightly „Oh god.." he hugs her back „We really thought you did it this time? J..."

„I would never leave Rosa alone..." he says quietly and looks over at Rosa, who wipes away the last few tears, he draws his eyebrows together as she's really fucking pale. Rosa puts one hand on her stomach before she quickly walks over to a bush and throws up cause it was too much tension in her body.

„Oh shit..." Pope looks over at her while Kie hugs JJ quickly, who returns the hug for a split second but then walks over to Rosa too „Hey..." he says while Pope holds her hair back.

Rosa takes a deep breath while she's still bend over the bush, JJ strokes her back „You okay?" She nods and points a thumbs up „As good as it gets.." JJ kisses her temple as soon as she stands up straight „I'm sorry.." he says quietly and Rosa nods „As you should be but you also kinda saved us from the cops.. so.." she shrugs and JJ grins at her.

„The pleasantries are nice, but we should get out of here" Pope looks at his friends and Topper is the first one to nod „Yeah, yeah. Let's go." Pope, Topper, Sarah, Cleo and Kie run quickly to the truck while Rosa looks at JJ, who strokes her hair back.

3. Always and forever ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now