Chapter 25- Class

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Chapter 25- Class

Cameron's POV:

"Are you kidding? I still have to go to class? I don't even go here!" I exclaimed.

"Cam, we are supposed to blend in. Staying at home is going to make humans think we are something else." Tyler said. I rolled my eyes as Derek came into the frat house and slammed books in front of us.

"Dude, why is there a chick here?" Someone asked walking in and looking in the room.

"She's cool. Chill." Derek said returning back to us.

"Cameron, child psychology..." He said tossing me three thick books.

"Tyler, health...and Jett logic." He said tossing them their books. I sighed and pinched my nose.

"How long are we supposed to be here for? I feel like this is long term." I sighed.

"Did you see the guys that walked in?" Tyler asked, I frowned slightly.

"Yea, the ones talking about me?" I asked.

"Yea. One of the guys in that group knows Ace; he knows what has happened to him. However, we just have to get him alone..." Derek sighed frustrated.

"Are you going to interrogate him?" I asked.

"He is a werewolf. He knows what we are and he will listen to me. But we can't get him alone." Jett said. Look at my alpha with his big bad scary voice.

"So work on getting him alone because I want to go home and show that idiot teacher that my parents still exist." I said standing up and picking up my books.

"Where are you going?" Jett asked.

"It's mani and pedi night." I smiled leaving the frat house.


The next day I went to stupid class with a huge lecture hall. I was a little late and took my seat in the front.

"I haven't seen you before." One guy said next to me. I turned and looked at him and sighed.

"I transferred." I said.

"From where?" He asked. How nosy are you? Like shut up, dude.

"Canada." I said bluntly. He frowned confused but nodded.

"What sorority are you a part of?" He asked.

"Kappa kappa, you?"

"I have a house close to campus."

"A house? How come you didn't join a frat?"

"A frat house is shared with thirty other guys, where as my house is shared with two guys. Better parties, better girls...better everything." He grinned.

"You sound rich." I mused.

"I am. Both my parents are corporate lawyers." He said.

"Wow...must be nice."

"What do your parents do?" He asked.

"Oh my parents died when I was little." I said.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." He apologized quickly.

"It's alright, I was really young so I didn't really know them." I shrugged.

"Still sucks though. I'm Zach by the way." He said holding out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled.

"Cameron but you can call me Cam. It's nice to meet you." I smiled.

"As to you, Cam." The professor began the lecture and the whole hall got silent.

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