Chapter 7- We're not Dating

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Chapter 7- We're not Dating.

Cameron's POV:

He bought me breakfast as he promised which did put me in a better mood.

"I don't know. I just feel that the werewolf council has too much power. I understand that they are apart of our government but they are acting as a dictatorship. My philosophy is that if they weren't so up tight about rules then we wouldn't have groups like rogues." I explained as we chatted aimlessly. I have to admit it has been a while since I could have a proper conversation and express my views without being discriminated or judged.

"And what would be your solution then? If you could talk to the werewolf council, what would you say?" Jett asked.

"I would tell them exactly what they are doing with all these rules and regulations and perhaps then the community of werewolves would be more peaceful."

"But how would you persuade them?" He asked curiously.

"Look at the vampires. They have a council and a monarchy like us. They don't have rebel vampires because they don't pressure them with so many rules." I explained and he nodded.

"So why don't you do something about it?" He asked as we pulled into the school parking lot.

"I'm not a royal so I apparently don't have a voice."

"But you're mate is a very powerful royal." He said looking into my eyes. I studied his face from his jaw structure to his eye brows. I simply nodded and we got out as I grabbed my stuff and his friends came up.

"Hey Cam." Connor smiled.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Who is this? Your girlfriend?" A girl asked looking me up and down.

"We're not dating." I said.

"Oh? Then why did he drive you to school?" She asked.

"My car broke down. We aren't dating." I said putting emphasis on the dating part. I stalked away from his annoying friends to go get changed for exercises.

As I was tying up my shoes most of the girls came in.

"So, Cameron. You and Jett huh?" Emily asked smirking. One girl beside her shot me daggers and I just stared confused.

"We aren't dating." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"So that means you there with the eyes, stop it." I said angrily pointing to the girl beside her.

"Don't mind her. She wishes Jett liked her as much as he likes you." Emily said. I nodded until it finally clicked in.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Ah, I knew that would peak your interest." She said smirking again. What's with all the mind games? Can we not just get to the point and get our facts on straight?

"He doesn't like me. I tell him I despise him about a thousand times. Also I only met him yesterday." I said frowning. How can someone like you in a day?

"Oh please, he's always staring at you when you're not looking and when he stares at you his eyes aren't all angry and stormy. He drove you to school, no girl has ever stepped foot into his cars. Also that kid that hit you yesterday? Jett beat the life out of him." She said.

"Jett? He fought Ethan?" I asked surprised.

"Yea. After he hit you. Coach and other guys had to pry him off. They thought he would shift or something." She said turning to change. I grabbed my helmet and stick and went outside. I stared at the green grass as other kids socialized. He beat the shit out of Ethan?

Maybe he is just doing that because I'm the only girl?

That's it. I smiled to myself, he only did that because I'm the only girl on the team.

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