Chapter 1⃣

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Towards the end of my senior year of school I'm scrolling through my Facebook, watching as my feed fills up with news, such as stupid pictures of girls in my grade who've changed their profile pictures at least 10 times in the past hour with the same pose. Stupid song lyrics quoted in every status. Also with boys in my grade talking about how much money they've made,how badly they kicked butt in football this year, and anal. Mostly anal. I rolled my eyes as I put my phone down, and on the charger.
There's only one guy at out school that I actually like, Shawn Mendes.He's like the most popular guy in our grade and every girl has a crush on him. Everyone says he lives in a mansion with his mom, I believe it. I live with just my dad because my mother divorced him then later on ran away with a salesman. (*door slams*) "Lindsey I'm home!" He shouted. "Hi dad." I responded quickly. He came up the stairs in my room smiling like a duck. "What's gotten into you?" I asked. "Start packing we are moving, don't ask any questions."he said." Before I could respond he was gone. Well then I said to myself, great.
All my crap is packed. I laid down on my bed and start thinking, I'm leaving all my friends, and my crush! Where are we even moving? Is he getting married? Before I could make another thought I was drifted away into sleep.😴

(Picture above is Lindsey.)

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