Chapter 43

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             It's been three weeks and I've been throwing up every now and then and my stomach is growing, I am pregnant. I'm kinda excited but also really scared, I hope I have a girl.❤️ I've been going to the doctors every now and then for checkups on the baby. Cody has been helping out a lot and he's going to make a great father,I just know he is.
      I invited Brooke over today so we could catch up a bit. I didn't tell her I was pregnant but she'll eventually find out when she sees me. I've been cleaning up the house ever since I got off the phone with her and she should be here any moment.


Oh!! She's here I said to myself as I walked towards the door. I took a breath and opened it "hey!!" I squealed as I let her in. She just stared at my stomach with her mouth dropped. She looked at me then my tummy and then back at me. "And when did you plan on telling me?!" She asked happily, as she pulled my into a congratulating hug. We went and sat down on the couch and talked for hours until she had to leave.😭"keep in touch!" She said as she walked out the door. I just sat on the couch and let out a sigh. Cody should be getting home from work by now..just as I thought he came in the door and crash landed down beside me, I say crash landed because he was making airplane noises. "How was work baby?" I asked brushing back his hair with my fingers. "Horrible, I missed you and our baby." He said smiling through the pillows. "Ewwe you stink go shower." I said getting up from the couch. "Where are you going?" He groaned. "To make supper." I said as I kept walking.
     As I was frying up hamburger I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist and a warm breath on my ear. He kissed me and walked upstairs to our bathroom to get showered up.
     He came back down just as good was set, we sat down at the table together and talked about our days. He glanced over at the time and he jumped up, "oh god I'm going to be late?" "Late for what?" I asked confused. "Counseling/therapy whatever you wanna call it" he said walking over to me pulling me into a kiss, an then lowered his head to my tummy and kissed "the baby". "We'll talk about it when I get back." He said grabbing his keys as he ran out the door.
         I cleaned up both of our dishes and sat on the couch wondering why the hell he would go to counseling. I don't like that he's mean and kind of a sex addict, but he could have....omg.... Omfg. "How dare he!" I almost yelled. Well then I started second guessing my thoughts. I don't think that he would cheat on me. No no. 

      I tried to erase the thoughts in my head as I just laid there in bed. The door opened and Cody yelled my name calmly as he was walking through the house. He got to the stairs and I closed my eyes quickly and pretended to sleep. I heard him undressing and he got in bed and laid next to me pulling me close to him. After seconds of being in his warm arms we both drifted into a deep sleep.

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