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All of the rooms were assigned to us already, which sucked because I wanted to pick my room. I gave my dad a look of annoyance but he ignored it. When we got to my room I was actually pretty surprised, it was huge! I glanced across the hall and saw that Shawn's room was assigned there. Wow I thought, she put me next to her son (probably the biggest pervert ever, a very hot one that is)but assigned her and my fathers room on the total opposite side of the house. Once the tour was over we all went down for supper. Shawn finally pulled up and came in the house.
"Sorry ma, I kinda got lost" he said.
"That's alright, come and introduce yourself."
My father and I were introduced to by Shawn, even though I already knew him, he probably didn't know me.
"Alright time to unpack." My father said.
We all headed for our rooms. My father's and his soon to be wife's room located who knows where, and Shawn's and mine that were just across the hall from each other. He was already in his room unpacking, I don't think he ever shuts his door. I walked into my room and unpacked too.
When I finished unpacking I sat on my bed. At the angle my bed was placed I was able to see outside of my room into Shawn's. I looked at him and looked away when he saw me. I glanced into his room again and he was gone. That was weird, he was just there I thought to myself.
He appeared in the door way of my room.
"Hey." He spoke first.
"Uh, hi."
"Sup? Your hot."
I got up and shut my door, leaving him hanging at "sup?Your hot". In my mind I was drooling, gosh dang it why didn't I just invite him in my room??! He is sooooo hott! I snapped out of my thoughts and told myself, Lindsey he's basically your brother now!!

A Life of SecretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin