Chapter 24

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     After the bell rang I went in the locker room and got changed back into my regular outfit, and walked to my locker to get my stuff for French class.
    I ended up sleeping for that whole hour because our teacher mrs.jackson is really old and talks really slow. For my last class of the day which is science we got assigned to read the chapter and do some essay questions that were due two days thuresday.


I walked to my locker and met up with Brooke before I had to go to after school detention. She didn't have much to say just "text me" "okay" i said as I went through my locker getting the books I need for my homework assignments. I put them in my bag and walked slowly to detention. I sat down in the very back and took out my phone I had to text Shawn first.

(L): hey you can leave I have detention.

(S):ya I know lol.

(L): don't explore the house until I get home.

(S): I'm not I'm going to Justin's for a while.

(L): okay

I ended the texts from Shawn and texted Brooke.

(L): hey what did you want me to text you about.😉haha.

(B):Justin wants to take me out...on like a date tomorrow night. And then wants to hang out with me the whole weekend too.😍

(L): ya what's wrong with that?

(B):I don't know what to wear, how to do my makeup for tomorrow night or my hair!!! I'm like freaking out over here.

(L): what time?

(B): at 7.

(L): I'll be over at 6.

(B):okay thanks. I love you!😘

(L): love you too.

By the time I was don't texting a few more people showed up for detention. I looked to me right and Nick was sitting right there "holy shit!" I jumped. "How long have you been there I asked. "A while" he said.
     😍His voice was dreamy.😍
"What's up?"I asked. "Nothing really, you? "Ya know hunting elephants, wreaking some crocodiles the usual." I joked and we started laughing together. "I love your sense of humor."Nick said. "I blushed, "thanks." "So do you wanna go out sometime, like Friday?" He asked sweetly. "Sure." I replied. "Good, because I wouldn't take no for an answer." He said with a wink. "Haha okay." I also shot him a wink.

   The teacher excused us all and Nick and I walked out together. We left out of the school and walked in the parking lot. "Nick, didn't you drive to school?" "Ya with Shawn but he went to Justin's, so I'll just walk." "No I'll give you a ride" Nick said not going to take no for an answer." It's gonna rain anyway" he kept talking.

    We got to my house and he stopped in front of the garage. "Thanks" I said smiling. "Anytime, don't forget...Friday." He reminded me. "How could I?!" I replied winking at him and walking away disappearing behind the door.

A Life of SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora