Chapter 17

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I got out of the shower seeing Nick still sitting on the toilet seat. I was covered by my towel luckily so Nick wouldn't see me nude. I walked into my room to grab my clothes for today and made my way back to my bathroom. Nick was still sitting on the toilet seat, so I couldn't really get changed without him seeing me. Ugh whatever I thought to myself. I turned my back to Nick and put my clothes on.

Ringggg ringg.
Dad. Was printed across the screen of my cell phone. I answered shortly after I finished putting my clothes on.

(Dad):hey honey, how are you.
(Lindsey): hi dad, I thought you were supposed to come home!
(Dad): that's why I called. Shawns mom and I are staying here, like going to live here now.
(Lindsey): what about me and Shawn?
(Dad): you guys are staying there alone.
Nick got up from the toilet seat and started walking towards the door when he stopped and slapped my ass, and shot me a wink.
(Lindsey): oh okay.
(Dad): I gotta go help with the house. I love you, bye.
I just hung up the phone without replying.
I walked out of my room and saw Nick laying on my bed.

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