Chapter 41

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We've been dating for days, months, then years. It's been one year and today is the day of my wedding. Yes he asked my to marry him, and yes I said yes.
Cody is the man of my dreams and that never changing! I put on my beautiful dress and have Brooke do my makeup and hair. "I'm so glad you came!" I spoke joyfully. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." She said as she turned my chair towards the mirror signaling me that she was done.
I looked amazing. I gave Brooke a tight hug before she left to get ready for the wedding.

The wedding was perfect, it was how I always dreamed my wedding would be. Everyone was happy and delighted to be there, which made me happy. The light pink flowers were gorgeous and everyone just looked stunning!

After the wedding Cody took me back to OUR house. We moved to Wyoming together a court of months ago, it's beautiful and I ever got Charlie back and he's living here too, which makes me happy.:) when we got home Cody carried me in bridal style and took me to our room. He was on top of me now and kissed me passionately. When he hit my sweet spot I moaned quietly so he wouldn't hear, but he did. "You like that honey?" He smirked. Uh oh I said to myself he heard me. He started to get more aggressive, he pulled my dress off and all his clothes too. Then he did me. Just when I think he's all sweet he turns on me. *falls asleep*
I wake up and swing my less to the side of he bed to head to the bathroom it was then when the pain shot to my lower area. I just ignored it and carefully walked to the shower. The bathroom was occupied but the door was unlocked, I walked in and shut the door behind me.
Cody was in the shower while I brushed my teeth. "Babe come join me." He said over the sound of the falling water. I could sense him smirking, I rolled my eyes and jumped in the shower with him. After minutes he pushed my harshly against the shower wall. "You have got to stop doing that." I said brushing off the slight pain. "Don't tell me what to do God damn it." He yelled. He fed my lower area again like he did last night, but only today it was much more painful after he spoke harshly "you better get used to it because it's gonna happen a lot, your mine now. After that I couldn't stand. I was sitting on the shower floor turned away from.
After minutes of sitting on the floor slouched over in pain I felt strong hands rubbing my scalp and hair lathering it with shampoo and conditioner too, at times like this he was actually sweet, he must have known he hurt me.
He helped me out of the shower and put a towel around his waist and one around me as he walked me out to our room. He got me some clothes and left me alone to get changed.
I walked downstairs back to Cody, he had a few friends over but was making breakfast for me and all of them including himself. I went to shirtless cooking Cody and wrapped my arms around he's waist and leaned my head on his back. He was way taller than me and had a toned body. "Good morning baby" he said acting like orbit. Just happened like 10 minutes ago. "Good morning" I said smiling into his back. I let go and placed myself next to Cody's friend at the table. Cody spun around and spoke sweetly. "Lindsey meet Dylan sprayberry, Dylan O' brien, and Tyler posey. He pointed at each as he said there names. I smiled at the hot muscular boys sitting before me. "Nice to meet you all" I spoke kindly. Dylan O' brien looked really familiar, I studied his face and all the possibilities of knowing him. Then it hit me! He was the boy from the mall! I just sat there leaned back in my chair acting like I just outsmarted Einstein! Damn that felt pretty good.

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